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NWA F1 CHR Episode 4


NWA F1 CHR ep. 4 from Force One on Vimeo.

The 4th episode of NWA Force One CHR Online in preparation for United We Stand 2 Force One brings a great line up for the ages Ryan Blackhart Finally Gets His hands on Big Bear Borselli, Ryu Lee was noted as saying he is going to give the people what they want with his match tonight Breaker Morant comments on his match with White Lotus also Team PP is Scheduled to take on Diego DeMarco and Phoenix as the Phoenix makes his F1 Debut.

September 22, 2009 Posted by | Big Bear Boreselli, Breaker Morant, CHR Online, Diego DeMarco, NWA Force One, Ryan Blackheart, Ryu Lee, The Phoenix, White Lotus | Leave a comment