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NWA: Dennis Coralluzzo Invitational this Saturday Night!

One of the biggest events of the Fall for the National Wrestling Alliance happens this Saturday, September 26th in Wayne, NJ at the PAL. But the Friday before the Dennis Coralluzzo Invitational, will also feature a night of NWA New Jersey wrestling in Newark, at the JFK Rec. Center. The last time the NWA wrestled at the Rec. Center, they had a crowd of over 5000.

No card has been announced for the Rec. Center, but the Dennis Coralluzo Invitational will feature the Hall of Fame induction of “Mr. NWA” Dennis Coralluzzo and the crowning of the NWA New Jersey Champion. The first round matches are:

Rob Eckos vs B-Boy
Danny Demanto vs Danny Maff
Pappa Don vs Judas Young
Crowbar Vs Justin Corino

In addition to the NWA Jersey Title Tournament the following matches have been signed:

The Power of Pain (Warlord and Barbarian) vs The Varsity Club (Baby Huey and Josh Daniels )
Spirit Squad vs Fire Power (Inferno and Jim Powers )

September 25, 2009 Posted by | B-Boy, Crowbar, Danny Inferno, Danny Maff, Dennis Coralluzzo Invitational, Jimmy Powers, Judas Young, Justin Corino, NWA NJ, Pappa Don, Powers of Pain, Rob Eckos, Varsity Squad | Leave a comment