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NWA Pro Wrestling and M1W presents "Friday Fight Night"

Credit: SoCalUncensored

Mach One Wrestling rolls into our third week of “Friday Fight Night” with the announcement of our October 30th Halloween Celebration card which takes place at the American Sports Center at 1500 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 and have a weekly bell time of 8:00PM. Tickets are $6 or $3 with a student ID and for children 12 and under.

Friday, October 30th, 2009 — Card Announcement

— M1W’s Halloween Celebration! All fans in attendance wearing Halloween costumes will receive a free gift bag of candy and be able to enter a costume contest in which the winner receives a free pass to the following “Friday Fight Night” show.

Main Event – Tag Team Grudge Match
“Pretty” Peter Avalon & “Magnum” Joey Ryan vs. Johnny Goodtime & M1W Champion “Red Tornado” James Morgan

— The NWA Board of Directors along with the M1W brass have decided to reschedule the first “Friday Fight Night” main event as an act of faith to the loyal fans who came to see it when it was originally scheduled. The issues have not been settled between these four men and in fact, things may have even become more volatile with James Morgan getting a momentary bit of revenge on October 23rd after all the sneak attacks he has suffered at the hands of Joey Ryan. Add that to the unfinished business between Peter Avalon and Johnny Goodtime stemming from the Long Beach Comic Con and we are in for one explosive main event.

Return Match
Andrew Hellman vs. Shawn Rickers

— After not being able to finish off Shawn Rickers on October 23rd, Andrew Hellman took a walk and left the match opting to be counted out rather than face the possibility of a pin fall loss due to a lack of preparedness. The NWA Board of Directors and the M1W brass were quick to sign the rematch between these two to hopefully get a decisive outcome. On October 30th, we will see if Rickers has Hellman’s number or if Hellman will make the most of his extra week to prepare.

Human Tornado vs. Ric Ellis

— Ric Ellis had an impressive victory in his M1W debut. So impressive in fact that The NWA Board of Directors and the M1W brass want to test him already and have signed a match against fan favorite and world traveler Human Tornado! Ellis has seemingly been pushed into the deep end and it’s up to him to sink or swim.

Tag Team Match
The Ballard Brothers (Shannon & Shane) vs. David Flex & Gregory Sharpe

— The events of last week were not kind to David Flex and Gregory Sharpe. They were matched up in a handicap match against Terex but that wasn’t the worst of their night. The worst came when Flex walked out on his partner leaving Sharpe to take the brunt of Terex’s assault. Apparently Flex & Sharpe worked out their differences as they requested to once again be given a shot at teaming up. However, their task this week doesn’t get any easier as they face off against long time SoCal veterans; The Ballard Brothers!

Todd Chandler vs. Tommy Wilson

— Both men competed at the debut “Friday Fight Night” card. Tommy Wilson to a win and Todd Chandler to a loss. Both men have a lot to gain from this encounter. Wilson wants to prove he is a viable contender for M1W gold and Chandler doesn’t want to see his stock plummet down the ladder any further.

Kyle Webb vs. Johnny Yuma

— Kyle Webb made his debut as the student of Joey Ryan but was soon abandoned by his teacher and left to feel the wrath of a scorned James Morgan. This week Webb looks to start his own path but must contend with Johnny Yuma who himself suffered a loss at the debut “Friday Fight Night” event and looks to add a W to his Win-Loss record.

Cards Subject to Change

For all the news and updates on Mach One Wrestling and the M1W “Wrestling 101” School, make sure to go to http://www.m1wrestling.com and http://www.nwawrestling.com, and make sure to add us on myspace at http://www.myspace.com/m1wwrestling, facebook at http://www.facebook.com/machonewrestling, and twitter @M1Wrestling, as well as YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/M1WProWrestling.

October 27, 2009 Posted by | Andrew Hellman, Human Tornado, James Morgan, Joey Ryan, Johnny Goodtime, Johnny Yuma, NWA Pro/M1W, Peter Avalon, Tommy Wilson, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

NWA SoCal Pro Wrestling Presents: A Rumble in Oceanside

SoCal Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Match:
Tommy Wilson vs. Johnny Goodtime

“Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce vs. Johnny Yuma

20 Man Rumble Participants:
Adam Pearce, Locura, Ricky Mandel, Johnny Paradise, Jason Redondo, Ryan Stone, Johnny Yuma, David E Jones, Aerial Star, Amazing Web, Chimaera, Ronnie Thrash, SoCal Crazy, Peter Avalon, Todd Chandler, Scott Lost and more to be announced.

October 15, 2009 Posted by | Adam Pearce, Chimera, Jason Redondo, Johnny Goodtime, Johnny Paradise, Johnny Yuma, NWA Pro/SCP, Peter Avalon, Scott Lost, SoCal Crazy, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment

NWA Pro Wrestling’s Mach 1 Wrestling Presents Friday Fight Night on Oct. 16th

Credit: SoCalUncensored.com

M1W Announcement of the “Friday Fight Night” Cards on… Beginning Friday, October 16th, live from the American Sports Center in Anaheim, CA, Mach One Wrestling brings you “Friday Fight Night,” weekly professional wrestling showcasing the best M1W has to offer… which takes place at the American Sports Center at 1500 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 and have a weekly bell time of 8:00PM. Tickets are $6 or $3 with a student ID and for children 12 and under.

Main Event – Tag Team Grudge Match
“Pretty” Peter Avalon & “Magnum” Joey Ryan vs. Johnny Goodtime & M1W Champion “Red Tornado” James Morgan

— This match is a direct result of the fallout seen at this past weekends “Wrath Of Con” event in Long Beach. Johnny Goodtime was able to best Peter Avalon in a singles match and Avalon has been griping to whomever will listen that he would like another shot at Goodtime. Meanwhile after Joey Ryan was able to sneak a win over Scotty 2 Hotty, he would spoil M1W Champion James Morgan’s victory celebration over Paul London by attacking Morgan post match claiming “the clock is ticking” on Morgan’s title reign. Ryan has been itching to get another shot at the championship after Morgan bested him in the tournament to crown the inaugural champion. The NWA Board of Directors have worked with the M1W brass to sign this Tag Team Grudge Match as the Main Event of the first “Friday Fight Night.”

Women’s Match
Carla Jade vs. Kitana Vera

Charles Mercury vs. Tommy Wilson

Jerome “LTP” Robinson vs. Johnny Yuma

Todd Chandler vs. Drew Hellman

Willie Mack vs. Ric Ellis

October 14, 2009 Posted by | Carla Jade, Charles Mercury, James Morgan, Joey Ryan, Johnny Goodtime, Johnny Yuma, Kitana Vera, LTP, NWA Pro/M1W, Peter Avalon, Tommy Wilson, Willie Mack | Leave a comment

SoCal Pro Wrestling Presents Live Wrestling & Lucha Libre

October 10, 2009 Posted by | Aerial Star, Anarchors Away, Johnny Yuma, Kiel Steria, Matt Twizted, NWA Pro/SCP, Peter Avalon, Shane Hase, SoCal Crazy, SoCal Pro Wrestling, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment

NWA: SoCal Pro Wrestling Presents: SUPERCLASH ’09

Tag Team Match
SoCal Crazy & Locura vs. SCP Heavyweight Champion Tommy Wilson & “Radiant” Jason Redondo

Oceanside Street Fight
Johnny Goodtime vs. “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce
Stipulation: C. Edward Vander Pyle will be locked inside a cage at ringside.

Penalty Box Match for the SCP Tag Team Championship
Cool Imagery (Hector Canales & Ricky Mandel) (c) vs. The Ballard Brothers (Shane & Shannon Ballard)

Singles Match
Shane Haste vs. “The Professional” Scott Lost

Singles Match
“Rock ‘N’ Roll Rebel Soul” Johnny Yuma vs. Todd Chandler

Singles Match
“The Golden Greek” Marcius Pitsonopolous vs. “Pretty” Peter Avalon

September 5, 2009 Posted by | Adam Pearce, Ballard Bros., Ballard Bros. Cool Imagery, Jason Redondo, Johnny Goodtime, Locura, Peter Avalon, Scott Lost, Shane Haste, SoCal Crazy, SoCal Pro Wrestling, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment

NWA SoCal Pro Wrestling Highlight Video

SoCal Pro Wrestling had a very interesting event this weekend. The SCP Heavyweight Champion SoCal Crazy aka Sidareal has been having a blood feud with Tommy Williams the entire year. The match resolved nothing, these two will be at each others throat soon enough.

July 20, 2009 Posted by | Ballard Bros. Cool Imagery, Cool Imagery, Jason Redondo, Jason Watts, NWA Pro/SCP, SoCal Crazy, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment

NWA SoCal Pro Wrestling Gold Fever

July 18th 2009
Oceanside Boys & Girls Club
401 Country Club Ln
Oceanside, CA

Show Tickets:
Adults: $15.00
Military: $10.00
Kids: $10.00
Doors: 6pm Belltime: 7pm

– SoCal Pro Heavyweight Championship
SoCal Crazy (c) vs. Tommy Wilson

– Shane Ballard vs. Ricky Mandel
– The Elite: Jason Redondo & Scott Lost vs.
Johnny Yuma & Johnny Goodtime
– Chimaera vs. Pandillero
– Shannon Ballard vs. Hector Cannales



July 17, 2009 Posted by | Ballard Bros. Cool Imagery, NWA Pro/SCP, Scott Lost, SoCal Crazy, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment

NWA Pro SoCal Pro Wrestling Presents: Shocwave

June 11, 2009 Posted by | Jason Redondo, SoCal Crazy, Tommy Wilson | Leave a comment