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Chris Escobar Seeks California Gold!: ‘Pure Talent’ Run Out of Virginia Debuts on NWA Showcase

By Rick O’Brien

(San Bernardino, CA) ‘Pure Talent’ Chris Escobar hadn’t been seen in several weeks. He lost a match against nemesis, Grail at the NWA’s Gold & Glory show in Saluda, Virginia. Unbeknownst to Escobar, Kameo, the sexy vixen that rules NWA Underground, signed the match to be a ‘Loser Leave Virginia’ match. And then she didn’t show up for the match.
Gold & Glory was turning out to be a good night for Escobar and the rest of NWA Underground. Sure, Kameo was missing in action, allegedly home sick with the flu, but Janus won a battle royal and an opportunity to face Damien Wayne at a later show in King and Queen County Elementary School. Sure, his partner Rex Sterling was missing the show due to a skin rash, but Escobar was about to face Grail for the NWA Alpha Championship. Escobar had defeated Grail numerous times in the past, including on the NWA Action Zone. Escobar was confident.
“Janus is going to win his match, and I’m going to win mine,” said the cocky Escobar. Unfortunately, the night didn’t turn out that way.
He had secured the services of Timmy Danger to take the place of Kameo. But a series of gaffes between the two allowed Grail to successfully defend the NWA Alpha Championship. It was then that Escobar found out about the ‘Loser Leave Virginia’ stipulation. The matches will air on Episode 11 of NWA World Wide Wrestling [found at http://www.NWAWorldWideWrestling.net and http://www.TheSuperstation.TV ].
‘Pure Talent’ Chris Escobar was a wrestler without a home. He went into seclusion and re-evaluated his life, his career, and his priorities. He realized that if he wanted to wrestle, he would have to leave the Mid Atlantic. But where to go? No one knew where Escobar had gone.
That is, until the latest episode the NWA Showcase [available at http://www.NWAWrestling.com]. “Pure Talent” Chris Escobar debuted in a winning effort against Dan Kobrick. He expressed his thoughts following his debut win.
“I needed a change. I needed a change of pace, a change of scenary. I also needed an attitude change. [NWA Virginia Promoter Rick] OBrien tried to show me, he tried to tell me. I was mean and cold to the fans but after I lost the match against Grail, well….man…some of the fans were crying because I was leaving,” said a completely different Escobar. Gone was the swagger and overconfidence. “When a fan named Victoria came up to me and hugged me, she was crying. Man, that had some effect on me. The fans actually cared about me. Don’t get me wrong, Victoria wasn’t the only fan either. Fathers with sons came up and shook my hand, thanking me for the memories.
“I had an older lady come up to me and say that she was there when I won the first Magnum TA Memorial Cup and for this year’s final where I lost to Damien Wayne. Whenever she saw my name on a poster or on the internet, she came to the show to see me. I need to respect that, and the fans who pay the money that pays my salary/ It really opened my eyes,” concluded the exciting youngster.
When he was asked what goals he had coming to the NWA in California and to NWA Showcase, his reply was simple, “I’ve come for Championship gold. As a former North American Tag Team Champion, I want singles gold. Whether it is [North American Champion] Dibiase, or [World Champion] Pearce, I know that all I need is an opportunity, and that’s all I’m asking for.”
Check out ‘Pure Talent’ Chris Escobar in action on two shows. His debut on NWA Showcase can be found at NWAWrestling.com and on the NWA World Wide Wrestling which can be found at TheSuperstation

[credit NWA Online Fanzine]

April 7, 2008 Posted by | California, Chris, Escobar, Pure, Showcase, Talent, Virgina, Wide, World, Wrestling | Leave a comment