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A new era in PWX, New NWA East Heavyweight Champion

NWA East’s Heavyweight Championship is full of history dating back to its origins 14 years ago. With a list of names who’ve held the championship from Shane Douglas to Brian Anthony, from Paul Atlas to “Sterling” James Kennan. Even former National Champion Crusher Hansen has been apart of the history of the NWA East Championship legacy. Ashton Amherst can add his name to the list of wrestlers to hold the historic crown. And in NWA East Fashion, Amherst defeated “the Spotlight” Scottie Gash, amidts interference from the Franchise Players. Amherst’s victory marks the first time he’s held the championship and the 45th champion of NWA East.
However it seems their is no rest for the wicked as Amherst will be defending his belt against Sean Evans Memorial Tournament winner Ryan Mitchell. Mitchell defied the odds and defeated the likes of Robert Parker, James Ross, and Patrick Hayes to earn the Tournament Victory. Now Mitchell will use his momentum to try to dethrone the new champ.

August 18, 2009 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Heavyweight Championship, NWA EAST, Ryan Mitchell, Sean Evans Memorial Tournament | Leave a comment