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NWA ECCW Presents: Live Pro Wrestling

“Brilliant” Billy Suede (Champion) vs. Jamie Diaz (Challenger)

Egos & Icons vs. Kenny Lush & Nicole Matthews

Scotty Mac & Dropkick Murphy vs. Ladies Choice & “Rocket” Randy Tyler

El Phantasmo vs. The Divine Prophet

Cremator vs. BJ Laredo

Memphis & Pete Powers vs. MR2 & AC Zeidel

December 30, 2009 Posted by | Billy Suede, Divine Prophet, Dropkick Murphy, Egos + Icons, El Phantasmo, Jamie Diaz, Kenny Lush, Ladies Choice, Nicole Matthews, NWA ECCW, Randy Tyler, Scotty Mac | Leave a comment

NWA Korea: NWA ECCW Stars Kenny Lush and Nelson Creed battle WWA’s Champs.

Nelson Creed and Kenny Lush teamed up to battle Hong Sang Jin and his partner, I couldn’t find the translation for his name. I spoke to Nelson Creed on his tour of WWA Korea. Creed said that they in fact, didn’t win the championship tag team titles. But he mentioned that Lush and he wanted to take a shot at the Skull Krushers and defend those titles in Korea. More as it happens.

November 11, 2009 Posted by | Kenny Lush, Nelson Creed, NWA ECCW, WWA Korea | Leave a comment

NWA ECCW Presents: Halloween Hell

Scotty Mac (Champion) vs. Sid Sylum (Challenger)

“Brilliant” Billy Suede (Champion) vs. Artemis Spencer (Challenger)

Cremator vs. El Phantasmo

Moondog Manson (Champion)


October 19, 2009 Posted by | Artemsis Spencer, Billy Suede, Creamator, El Phantasmo, Moondog Manson, NWA ECCW, Scotty Mac, Sid Sylum | Leave a comment

Bryan Danielson signs deal with WWE!!!

I was pleased and a little sadden to hear the announcement regarding Bryan Danielson and his free agency. Now that the American Dragon is an exclusive WWE wrestler he’ll join the likes of CM Punk and Matt Sydal as wrestlers who joined the WWE after working in Ring of Honor. Danielson had held the short-lived Pure Wrestling title and the ROH World title.

Danielson’s in-ring work is amazing. And with a list of trainers that include William Regal, NWA Hall of Famer Bobby Eaton, WWE Legend Shawn Michaels, Masato Tanaka, and Tracy Smothers there is no doubt that his style is a lot different from the typical WWE style.

I have followed Bryan Danielson career fairly closely. I was in attendance the night Bryan Danielson defeated APW Internet Heavyweight Champion Super Dragon. I was also in attendance the night that Bryan Danielson was so close to defeating NJPW Jr. Heavyweight Champion HEAT for his title. Dragon has always put on great matches whether he was in the main event or opening the show. With a plethora of opponents.

The American Dragon started his career with the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy. Danielson started at that school with other notable names as former WWE stars Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and Lance Cade, TNA wrestler Shawn Hernandez and former TNA wrestler Matt Bentley. Danielson made his first appearance in Japan teaming with Lance Cade for FMW. Danielson spent a lot of time in the WWE farm system originally in Memphis Championship Wrestling. It was after the MCW experience that Bryan Danielson began working Independent Dates across the United States and Canada. Danielson appeared for APW’s King of the Indies and work in many promotions from All Pro Wrestling to EPIC, NWA ECCW, Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, NJPW/USA, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NOAH, FIP, and far too many to mention. While wining championships across the World, Danielson established his name as one of the greatest of our era. Unfortunately Danielson was booked in 2 Matches that I always wanted to see, but they were never meant to be. Bryan Danielson, who at the time was more commonly referred to as American Dragon was team take on Ultimo Dragon and Southern California Indy sensation Super Dragon in a battle of the Dragons. The match never happened due to complications with the wrestling promoter. Dragon was also supposed to battle Brent Albright for the NWA World Title. Unfortunately that match never happened either. Danielson was injured the week before in a ROH World Title match and forfeited his spot to would be champion, Adam Pearce. So although its great to see Danielson head to the WWE, I will miss his action in the NWA, PWG, and ROH. Here’s hoping to the best for the American Dragon! Cheers.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Bryan Danielson, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NWA ECCW, NWA Pro Wrestling, ROH | Leave a comment

ECCW Live event May 29th!

May 28, 2009 Posted by | Cole Bishop, NWA ECCW, Scotty Mac | Leave a comment