Nwalliance’s Blog

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New IWGP Heavyweight Champion and our 100th Post!

As reported from Strong Style Spirit, All Japan President and former New Japan Ace, Keiji Muto defeated Shinsuke Nakamura with a moonsault. This marked the 4th time that Muto has won the title and the second time an All Japan wrestler had held that title. The previous winner do accomplish this feat was Satoshi Kojima. We here at the Alliance would like to congratulate Keniji Muto on his title victory and look forward to his many title defenses.

And with that I’d like to thank all of the readers that come to this blog. It might not seem like it at times, but a lot of work goes into making this blog, fun and interesting. I’d like to thank Dru Onyx, Chance Prophet, Karl Anderson, and Joey Ryan for allowing us to interview them. May 14th will mark the 1 Year Anniversary of this Fansite. Thanks for reading and check out the message board.

April 28, 2008 Posted by | Chance Prophet, Great, IWGP, Japan, Kenji, Muta, Muto, New, Wrestling | Leave a comment

New National Champion: Crusher Hansen

(credit of this report goes to Impact Wrestling)

After months of being attacked, called out, and threatened, Pepper Parks was set to defend his NWA National Heavyweight Title against his tormentor, Crusher Hansen. Before the match, Hansen’s manager and; NWA East ring announcer BC Steele announced the match as a 2 out of 3 falls match, old-school NWA style. Parks quickly picked up the win with a Pepper Shaker. But Steele helped Hansen win the second fall with a steel chain after Hansen accidentally took out referee Tom Dunn. In the final fall, Parks went for the Pepper Shaker again but Crusher caught him coming off the top and delivered a Crusher Slam, winning the NWA National Title and picking up possibly the biggest win of his storied career.

Crusher Hansen has been a main stay in the NWA East(PWX/AWC)promotion. Crusher has previously held the NWA East’s Heavyweight Title and the NWA East’s Three River’s Title.

April 23, 2008 Posted by | Champion, Crusher, Hansen, Heavyweight, National, New, Parks, Pepper | Leave a comment