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I was right all along. Pearce IS A WINNER!!!

Charlotte, NC (August 27, 2007) – Due to an injury sustained over the weekend, and emergency eye surgery this morning, “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson has been eliminated from the NWA World Championship Tournament Finals set to take place this Saturday September 1 in Puerto Rico. The decision to remove Danielson was made by the NWA Board of Directors after Executive Director Robert K. Trobich conducted several conversations with Danielson’s physicians.

When reached for comments Trobich said “I have been on the phone all day with Bryan Danielson and his doctors. Bryan has been literally begging to be permitted to wrestle in the NWA title tournament final this Saturday in Puerto Rico against Brent Albright. Like all wrestling fans, I was eagerly anticipating the first-ever match-up between two world-class warriors like Danielson and Albright, with the biggest prize in wrestling hanging in the balance. However, as gutsy a fighter as Bryan is, there is simply no way he can be medically cleared to fight in this match after such serious surgery. Brent Albright deserves his shot at the belt, now, however. In that regard, after hours of discussions with the NWA board, I have decided that the title match will go on as scheduled, and Adam Pearce, who just met Danielson in a hotly-contested semifinal match ten days ago, will step into the final in Danielson’s place.”

Everyone in the National Wrestling Alliance wishes Danielson a safe and speedy recovery.

After that announcement from Robert K. Trobich Pearce had been down, but not out. Pearce Daddy was previously eliminated from the tournament. He was pinned by Bryan Danielson in Canada. But Danielson who was injured via a Lariat from ROH’s Morshima sent Danielson on the DL. With Danielson out, Adam Pearce had the opportunity to come up big. Scrap Iron made the best of a bad situation and will now be the most watned man in the NWA.

Here’s a clip of some of the interesting aftermath.

September 10, 2007 Posted by | 10lbs of Gold, Adam Pearce, Brent Albright, Bryan Danielson, IWA Puerto Rico, Morshima, NWA World Championship, NWA Worlds Championship, World Heavyweight Champion | Leave a comment