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Larry Goodman’s thoughts on NWA Main Event Television

From Larry Goodman and Georgia Wrestling History

This was the fourth episode of NWA ME to air since the arrival of Bill Behrens as Executive Producer. Things got better right away and have improved each week. It’s been a long time coming. After Jeff Daniels departed as booker this summer, the first few “New Era” episodes had some life in them. Largely written by Jason James and prominently featuring Shawn Shultz, they were uneven as hell but made for compelling viewing at times. To say NWA ME TV has been floundering since then would be putting it mildly. In between the occasional flashes of decency (pieces of the Will Owens and White Tiger stuff), there were long stretches of horribleness. Some if it was comically bad. Some bordered on being unwatchable. The show was basically on life support as an internet-only product when Mike Porter brought Behrens on board. It’s still internet only, but the booking, the formatting of the television and most importantly, the talent roster, are all greatly improved. The production values not so much. At least they got the audio dialed in this week. I don’t mind the single camera most of the time, because it stays active. This was the third episode to air with Behrens at the helm, and it was the best one so far. The first two episodes were solid by the number stuff. The wrestling was much better. The thing that distinguished the current episode was the zany, unpredictable quality that has in times past, made NWA ME so much fun to watch AND the wrestling was pretty good, too. Hayme and Rockwell opened the show with a very strong match, playing off the angle that closed the previous episode. I liked cutting to the clip from last week explaining why Rockwell was so badly wanting to kick Hayme’s ass. The Mega Rumble, of course, is a Behrens specialty. Se7en is green for sure, but he’s a monster by NWA ME standards and was booked accordingly. You could see the thing with Hyatt coming a mile away, but that’s fine. He’s an appealing buffoon. I liked it for the zaniness factor. The centerpiece of this show was the interview with Rudy Charles. I thought the “aliens” vignette with Posey on last week pretty far out there. Who would expect to hear Art mentioned on a pro wrestling show? This one was completely off the chain. Charles riffing on Bogart as Captain Queeg blew my mind. I thought Aaron Camaro did a nice job here as well. The main event provided solid storyline development. The titles are being made to feel important. Rockwell seems bound and determined to get Posey’s junior title. Owens is none too keen on defending the heavyweight title, and Boyce now has a claim there. Meanwhile, Bishop has set his sights on Boyce’s title. They’ve got some over babyfaces in Rockwell, Boyce, and Tiger. The building blocks are there. It will be interesting to see what Behrens does with them.

To read the entire review please check out Georgia Wrestling History

March 12, 2010 Posted by | Ace Rockwell, Bill Behrens, Jason James, Matt Boyce, Mike Posey, NWA Main Event, Orion Bishop, Shawn Shultz, White Tiger, Will Owens | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event TV Taping

NWA Main Event TV Taping 1-28-10 (Thursday)
413 Veritas St Nashville, TN 37211 8PM
Admission FREE, visit local sponsors for tickets

Rematch for the NWA Tennessee Junior Championship (30 min time limit)


NWA MID-AMERICA CHAMPION WILL OWENS just notified NWA Main Event that he can not appear at this Thursday’s TV Taping, but that having single handedly defeated Matt Boyce that he believes there are no worthy opponents for his title, and that he is clearly he #1 contender for Matt Boyce’s TV Title.

And many more!!!!!!!!!!

January 28, 2010 Posted by | Ace Rockwell, Corey Hollis, Jeff Daniels, Matt Boyce, Mike Posey, NWA Main Event, NWA Mid America, NWA Tennessee Jr. Championship, Orion Bishop, Steve O, Will Owens | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event Presents: Live Pro Wrestling Jan. 23r

(Poster Courtesy of NWA Main Event)

January 13, 2010 Posted by | Brian Christopher, Derrick King, Kevin White, Matt Boyce, Michael Gilbert, NWA Main Event, NWA Mid-American TV Title, Patrick Smith, Steve O | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event goes to "The Next Level" Jan. 7, 2010

Credit: NWA Main Event


Starting in Jan., 2010 the next level for NWAME! Starting with a new TV. Bill Behrens will take over as executive producer for NWAME-TV. Old favorites will be returning as well as new wrestling superstars. A whole new and exciting crew for NWAME. Promoter Mike Porter has promised more shows through out Middle Tennessee, Western Kentucky and Western Tennessee with all the new talent appearing for NWAME-TV. All of our loyal fans along with the new one stay with us for an all new NWA Main Event!

On Jan. 7, 2010 “The Next Level” of NWA Main Event Television will begin with Mr.Bill Behrens of Atlanta, Ga. as the Executive Producer.

Already signed for the first TV taping under the leadership of Mr. Behrens will be Will Owens, Mike Posey, Corey Hollis, Matt Boyce, Ace Rockwell, Andrew Alexander and Orion Bishop. More names will be added to the list after the Christmas Holiday.

“Christmas Chaos 2009 -NWA Style”

Christmas Night – Dec. 25 – 8 PM Belltime
NWA Studios
413 Veritas St.
Nashville, Tenn. 37211

Big night of Professional Wrestling – Already signed Steve O – Details will be announced as they become available.

Another step into the right direction for the NWA Main Event.  Conspicuous by his absence is perennial fan favorite White Tiger.  Also missing is Shawn Shultz, but the additions of Ace Rockwell and Orion Bishop is certainly a step in the right direction.  Rockwell has been wrestling in Tennessee under different organizational banners, so it is a positive move to see this NWA Anarchy regular step into  the Main Event rings.  Along with Orion Bishop who used to compete in former NWA Affiliate GCW and recently started to appear for Anarchy.  Who could NWA Main Event add to this growing roster to guarantee you’ll be watching the new show?

December 22, 2009 Posted by | Ace Rockwell, Andrew Alexander, Bill Behrens, Corey Hollis, Matt Boyce, Mike Posey, NWA Anarchy, NWA Main Event, Orion Bishop, Will Owens | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event TV returns to the Internet.

A new season, new hosts, and familiar faces debuted for the NWA Main Event programing this week. The new hosts replacing the departing Jason James and the recently promoted Scott Barry. The Preview of the show is:

NEW SEASON EPISODE 1 “WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE” The feud between “The Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant and “Wild Thing” Will Owens reaches a fever pitch. Nwa Mid-America TV Champion “Malibu” Matt Boyce defends his gold against the purple people eater Chad Hyatt. Former WWE referee Mike Posey battles Corey Hollus to become number one contender. Introducing Blake Roswell, Jay Popular, the return of “The Captain” Tyler Clemmons to the announce booth. Also featuring the Internet’s favorite wrestler White Tiger in action.

The Classic Episodes are available here and you can even check out last season by clicking here If you are used to the higher production values of the NWA Showcase or NWA Unleashed, featuring the single camera taping. But it does have some values of entertainment. Two of the highlights of last season were White Tiger and the Trio of Project Prominence. I look for them to continue to be highlights this season.

October 24, 2009 Posted by | Blake Roswell, Boogie Woogie Boy Gary Valiant, Chad Hyatt, Corey Hollus, Jay Popular, Matt Boyce, Mike Posey, NWA Main Event, Will Owens | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event Updates

Coming off the heels of a huge 400 plus crowd, the NWA Main Event sets out to produce two live events this week. The first being today for their television taping. Despite losing a key member of production continues, the tv taping pushes on tonight on Oct. 22nd and their regular spot at 413 Veritas St. Off Nolensville Road. Belltime 7:30 PM. No card released yet, but NWA Main Event had some very interesting shows come out. Then on Saturday, NWA Main Event heads to Portland.

The big show in Portland will also feature an autograph event at the Rent-A-Center in Portland, with White Tiger. The show will feature Jamie Dundee, Matt Boyce, White Tiger, ant more.

October 22, 2009 Posted by | Jamie Dundee, Matt Boyce, NWA Main Event, White Tiger | Leave a comment