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Tennesse Wrestling Heating up for the NWA.

Some interesting notes coming off the Mid-Southern Wrestling Message Board

NWA Main Event Promoter is pleased to announce that on July 5, 2008 NWA Main Event Wrestling show that is presently on ION TV-Network Comcast Channel 17 in Nashville at 8 AM on Saturday will move to 12 noon and will continue at 12 noon every Saturday thereafter.

Yours in Sports!

Mike Porter
National Wrestling Alliance
Board of Directors Alternate

There also seems to be some legitimate foul play for NWA Main Event. As Mike Porter has announced the following about the NWA Mid-American Championship Belt…

A $500.00 reward is being offered by NWA Main Event for the arrest and conviction of the person or person that stole the belt. A police report has been made and the incident in under investigation. The belt was last seen at the NWA and Hollywood Video Slam Jam 08 June 21 at the Sports Arena At the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. That night at approx. 11 PM the belt left the building with Marc Anthony and disappeared from his possession sometime between that time and 2 PM the next day. You can e-mail Mike Porter or NWA Main Event or call their office Telephone number, or call the Metropolitan Police Department Theft Division. Your name and any information will be kept confidential.

And was later followed up with…

Our belt was returned completely destroyed. It really took a big man to destroy someone’s property. I know who did it. It was exactly done as Marc Anthony wanted to do to Tony Falks belt on our TV, but we refused to let him do that. The police investigation will continue, I am sure that they will find fingerprints on the belt and hopefully the person responsible will be successfully prosecuted. I will do everything in my power to make this happen. So feel real safe the detectives will be behind you real soon.

NWA Main Event was airing promos from Adam Pearce in which Pearce is said to cut a classic heel promo. Pearce recently defended the NWA Worlds Title against “The Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant. It appears that things in Tennessee are picking up.

June 26, 2008 Posted by | M, NWA Main Event, NWA Top Rope | Leave a comment