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NWA Main Event Internet Show going on hiatus?

Credit Larry Goodman and Georgia Wrestling History:

In light of the departure Jason James, NWA Main Event’s weekly internet wrestling program will be on hiatus for several weeks, while promoter Mike Porter retools his TV production and booking. The last episode produced was the September 19 edition.

In a city that not long ago had the unique distinction of having three locally produced independent wrestling television shows, Nashville is down to one, Showtime All-Star Wrestling, at least for the time being.

Until recently, USWO/ATL had been running weekly television tapings at the Stadium Inn, but conflicts between Television Producer Timmy Thompson and ATL’s Bill DeShields brought that project to a halt after only six episodes.

Porter said he hopes to have the NWA Main Event internet back up and running by no later October 24. Television tapings will proceed as scheduled at 413 Veritas Street on October 1 and October 10.

Mike Porter, via the Mid-South Wrestling Message Board noted that “The show will be back on. In fact the taping on the 15 will be live to tape and will be so every Thursday. This way less editing time will be involved in producing the show. [I] have already interviewed two editors.” For those who are unaware, Jason James was instrumental in producing the weekly television show for NWA Main Event as well as the play by play for the show. Jason James has taken a position with Total Non-Stop Action.

October 7, 2009 Posted by | Jason James, Larry Goodman, Mike Porter, NWA Main Event | Leave a comment