Nwalliance’s Blog

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New IWGP Heavyweight Champion and our 100th Post!

As reported from Strong Style Spirit, All Japan President and former New Japan Ace, Keiji Muto defeated Shinsuke Nakamura with a moonsault. This marked the 4th time that Muto has won the title and the second time an All Japan wrestler had held that title. The previous winner do accomplish this feat was Satoshi Kojima. We here at the Alliance would like to congratulate Keniji Muto on his title victory and look forward to his many title defenses.

And with that I’d like to thank all of the readers that come to this blog. It might not seem like it at times, but a lot of work goes into making this blog, fun and interesting. I’d like to thank Dru Onyx, Chance Prophet, Karl Anderson, and Joey Ryan for allowing us to interview them. May 14th will mark the 1 Year Anniversary of this Fansite. Thanks for reading and check out the message board.

April 28, 2008 Posted by | Chance Prophet, Great, IWGP, Japan, Kenji, Muta, Muto, New, Wrestling | Leave a comment

Young Bucks to Japan!!!

“Slick” Nick Johnson and Matt “Mr. Instant Replay” Johnson are heading to Japan in May. The Young Bucks who were voted the Best Tag Team in Southern California, in 2007. The Young Bucks have recently been seen battling the likes of the World Champion “Scrap Iron” Pearce, “Magnum” Joey Ryan, and the “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson on NWA’s very own Showcase. The ‘Bucks were gaining National Exposure and were being postured as potential challengers to Los Luchas.

The ‘Bucks are traveling to Dragon Gate, which is the wrestling promotion formerly known as Toryumon Japan. Toryumon features many wrestlers that were trained under Ultimo Dragon. The promotion is based on an emphasis of high flying maneuvers, flashy technical grappling, and submissions. Which fit perfectly with the Young Bucks style. This will be a great opportunity for the ‘Bucks and here at The Alliance wish them nothing but luck.

March 24, 2008 Posted by | Dragon Gate, Japan, Tag Team, Young Bucks | Leave a comment

Sayonara AWA! President Nakamura Comments!

Sayonara AWA! President Nakamura Comments!
December 12th, 2007

As many wrestling fans have been made aware, ZERO1-MAX and the AWA have severed ties. This situation has been compounded by various reports on the internet and one very disingenuous press release put out by the AWA. While ZERO1-MAX was ready to make the split amicable, AWA ownership felt it was necessary to release blatant falsehoods in a sad attempt to spin the situation and to bash Pro Wrestling ZERO1-MAX.

It is under these circumstances that Pro-Wrestling ZERO1-MAX President Yoshiyuki Nakamura felt compelled to release the following statement:

“I know Dale Gagne personally, but I don’t believe he is who he says he is anymore. Is he a “real” Gagne? I think he should show all Pro Wrestling fans his birth certificate to prove it. He told me when ZERO1-MAX became AWA affiliates, ‘I will run AWA shows in San Francisco’s Cow Palace.’ Did he run shows there? I haven’t heard that he has. What about the AWA Pay-Per-View show he promised me he would develop? When did this happen? Did I miss it?”

“Why did ZERO1-MAX leave the AWA? We believe that Gagne (if that’s his real name) cannot build the AWA any bigger than it currently is. I had a dream of a ‘reborn AWA.’ Yet all the wrestlers were always laughing at Dale, the fans were always laughing at him. CEO? President? Dale is not a “Gagne!”

“I love the AWA history, so I stayed with the AWA for almost three full years. ZERO1-MAX did more for the AWA then they ever did for us. Of course I will always respect all former AWA champions, and I hope the AWA gets its act together.
I wish them luck in the future.”

Yoshiyuki Nakamura

Credit: ZeroOneUSA.com

As I previously stated, it was more likely that Zero One MAX had canceled its membership with the AWA instead of the story Ganger was selling. I truly hope that an agreement can be worked out with Zero One to re-join the Alliance. I don’t usually advocate the NWA to just add anybody, but the sentiment that I feel is that Zero One only helps the Alliance. Strengthening the brand in Japan. And adding another list of reputable wrestlers to showcase.

December 12, 2007 Posted by | AWA, Japan, Pro Wrestling, Zero One | Leave a comment

Could there be a new NWA member in Japan?

Zero-1 MAX Terminated from the AWA;
Masato Tanka stripped of the World Title.
credit: AWAStars.com

AWA Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. has officially terminated it’s sanctioning and relationship with Zero-1 MAX / Hustle / First on Stage. “The professional wrestling industry in Japan has changed dramatically over the last few years and is in economic turmoil, with only a few promoters succeeding at capturing an audience to an overexposed business”, stated AWA President & CEO Dale R. Gagne. “Zero-1 MAX has become a mere shadow of it’s former self with diminishing audiences,
income and lack of touring talent”. Gagne stated the decision was well thought out and difficult however, “we gave them every opportunity to succeed by becoming a part of our company and brand. The audience in Japan simply won’t continue supporting a business unwilling to change”. The AWA has subsequently been in negotiations with a high-profile, nostalgic concert promoter to produce arena events in Japan and other markets in Europe.

“Laughable has been the internet rumors that Zero-1 “owns” the AWA World Championship”, continued Gagne. “Although they own a replica version of the title belt, no one owns or controls the title except for the AWA itself”. The AWA has served notice to Zero-1 MAX promoter Yoshi Nakamura and has warned him not to disrespect his wrestlers by referring to them as fake Champions. They have been advised to remove the AWA name from their entire promotion as to not confuse fans with future major AWA events in Japan. Gagne was very specific when commenting on Zero-1 being associated again with the NWA. “If the NWA wants to be affiliated with a sinking ship, that’s their decision to make”, stated Gagne. “Our relationship with Zero-1 was being accommodated by Steve Corino, who recently quit the promotion. Watch for Zero-1 to become involved again with the NWA at their match on December 13th. Who would blame them? They have no where else to go”. Keep visiting http://www.awastars.com for the developing story.

First off, my take on the AWA discontinuing their sanctioning is probably a legal precaution. And in reality, the 3 strongest members of the AWA; Mid-Atlantic, Hawaii, and Zero One all offer a greater product then anything else being produced by the AWA. However, there has been a lot of interest in the National Wrestling Alliance fan forums about this opportunity.

Zero One is a former member, under Antonio Inoki. Inoki transfered his membership twice in the past decade, once from Zero One, to New Japan and now from New Japan to Inoki Genome Federation. A source of mine told me that there is some interest in a few of the former AWA territories.

December 10, 2007 Posted by | AWA, Inoki Dojo, Japan, NWA, Zero One | Leave a comment

Inoki Genome Federation Update

The Final List of names have been announced for the IGF show on December 20th. However no matches have been announced yet.

  1. Kurt Angle
  2. Josh Barnett
  3. AJ Styles
  4. Senshi
  5. Tadao Yasuda
  6. Booker T
  7. Michiyoshi Ohara
  8. Ryushi Yanagisawa
  9. Kazuhiro Hamanaka
  10. Amazon Blade
  11. Dan Iguazu
  12. Chris Moore(Masters)
  13. Big Shad Gaspard
  14. Montagna Silva
  15. Jan “The Giant” Nortje
  16. Kazuo Takahashi
  17. Taka Kunou

December 6, 2007 Posted by | IGF, Japan | Leave a comment