Nwalliance’s Blog

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Saturday April 5th, 2008 –IWZ Debut

While checking out the NWA Homepage to watch the Wrestling Showcase, I saw a link that lead me to the NWA/IWZ Commercial. At first I mis-read the title. I thought it was a link for NWA/IZW, which is based out of Arizona. I was delighted to know that another NWA member got a local television deal.
However, I was wrong. Indy Zone Wrestling, is based out of Southern Florida. IWZ will be promoting such names as Konnan, “Black Magic” Norman Smiley, Jon Heidenrich, and a plethora of talent from Puerto Rico and Florida. The commercial is well produced. Also while viewing the commercial I was surprised that IWZ will be sanctioned by the NWA.

IWZ will begin airing a half hour program beginning in late April or early May through out the South Dade area from Homestead to Kendall, the station will soon be expanding it’s coverage to include parts of Florida from Key West to Palm Beach in the months to come.
Once all areas from Key West to Palm Beach are covered, we will then being producing a one hour program.
We’ve also struck a syndicating deal with the network who will be providing IWZ content to such countries as Jamaica, Santo Domingo, Mexico, Haiti, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Peru and many other countries, as well as US states.

February 21, 2008 Posted by | Indy Wrestling Zone, IWZ, NWA Florida | Leave a comment