Nwalliance’s Blog

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Is the NWA Sanctioning Zero One or Hawaii Championship Wrestling?

As of right now, there is nothing indicating that. There hasn’t been any news reported that the NWA is now sanctioning Zero One or Hawaii Championship Wrestling, let alone, either member joining the Alliance. Furthermore, I haven’t heard of New Japan sanctioning either Z1 or HCW. However, from the Hawaii Championship Wrestling board they are claiming just that. Sandy Beach aka Micah recently won the NWA United Nation Heavyweight Title. The title was established back in early 2004. At that point, Zero One was yet to establish its own NWA Championship. So it took a page out of the NWA History and created a new championship, which shared its name with of 1/3 of the All Japan Triple Crown. The title lost some of its importance when Zero One left the NWA to join the AWA, the championship became a secondary title.

In January 66% of the readers of this blog voted for the NWA to begin the recruitment of Zero One. Is this a sign of things to come? Is New Japan sanctioning NWA matches for Z1 and HCW? Is this BLOG the pulse of NWA? Only time will tell, but nothing has been announced yet.

February 17, 2008 Posted by | HCW, NJPW, NWA, Sandy Beach, Zero One | Leave a comment