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NWA EWF prsents: Red Hot Summer 2009!

September 8, 2009
By Vinnie James

What drives a man to betray a longtime friend? Is it deep-seeded hatred, jealousy, lack of sleep, food poisoning? The world may never know what caused The Human Tornado to turn on sometime tag partner
Scorpio Sky, but we can recount the events that led to the main event of RED HOT SUMMER 2009! On September 18th, in the land of low ceilings
and even lower chandeliers, The Knights of Columbus Hall in Covina, CA, Empire Wrestling Federation will bring down the house! (Figuratively, not literally.)

Let’s take a trip down memory lane. On July 10th, 2009, EWF held Independent’s Day V: Winner Take All. The main event featured a plethora of EWF warriors and put them in one ring to determine the first ever champion for the new EWA Heavyweight title in the EWA Cashout match. In the final minutes of the match, fans witnessed a fantastic showdown between The Human Tornado and Scorpio Sky. The crowd was split between the two perennial fan favorites. Scorpio Sky was the better man that day and he was awarded the title belt, as well
as a trophy for the EWA Cashout match. If that wasn’t enough, Sky won $2,000 dollars, $200 of which came from Human Tornado’s own pocket. Perhaps jealousy entered the heart of young Tornado. Fast forward to Meltdown 2K9 on August 7th, 2009. Human Tornado was granted a chance at the title, which Scorpio Sky had successfully defended. The two put on a great match that ended on a sour note. A masked man, dressed in Scorpio Sky’s old mask and tights, attacked and caused the champion to retain via disqualification. Human Tornado feigned concern, before laying the proverbial “smack down” on his former friend. In an interview, Tornado introduced his doppelganger friend as Ali Bumaye. Then, at Gold Standard III on September 4th, 2009, Ali Bumaye, dressed in full Scorpio Sky circa 2004 gear, faced the man he blindsided nearly a month prior and came up short. Bumaye put up a valiant effort however, and will certainly be one to watch in the future. So, at RED HOT SUMMER 2009, the fans in attendance, and later those watching on DVD, will witness the next chapter in this story of jealousy and backbiting. Will the mysterious Ali “Scorpio Sky Jr.” Bumaye make his presence known, or will Human Tornado fly solo? Don’t miss RED HOT SUMMER 2009!

But this is EWF we’re talking about here, and there is plenty more in store on September 18th. For example, former Tag Team champion and current American champion, Liger “Bred for his skills and magic” Rivera will team up with one-time enemy turned friend Terex to attempt
to recapture that elusive tag team gold. Is Liger Rivera ready to be a double champion? The fans will be sure to cheer him on in this endeavor. Terex had success in tag team competition September 4th at Gold Standard III when he and Vizzion defeated the team of loud mouth
Sgt. Sanders and Cedric “The Hitman.” Will this success translate into tag team glory? But don’t underestimate The A-List. “Top Shelf” Jeremy Jaeger and “The Overnight Celebrity” Roger Ruiz are both forces to be reckoned with in their own right, but as a team, they have managed to
continue their tag title reign by any means necessary. Fans may argue that their tactics are less than noble, but they say nobility is overrated anyway. What will happen when Liger Rivera and Terex take on The A-List? Find out on September 18th!

As the late Billy Mays would say, “But wait, there’s more!” Chris Kadillak and “Pretty” Peter Avalon will put on a cruiserweight clinic and one man will walk out a double champion! Kadillak is the current EWF Cruiserweight champion and Avalon is the AWS Lightweight champion. We’d like to thank Bart Kapitzke of AWS for allowing his title to be defended on an EWF show. This should be an intense matchup, as neither man wants to lose his title. What will happen in
the battle of men named after cars? Will Toyota or Cadillac win bragging rights at the end of the day? You don’t want to miss this match!

September 8, 2009 Posted by | Chris Kadillak, Empire Wrestling Federation, EWA Championship, Human Tornado, Liger Rivera, Peter Avalon, Scorpio Sky, Terex, The A-List | Leave a comment