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EPW returns to Scarborough Beach with Beachside Brawl

Courtesy of http://www.epwperth.com

Last year, Explosive Pro Wrestling held a fantastic free show down at the Scarborough Amphitheatre right on the beachfront. The EPW crew helped transform a lazy day in the sun into an action packed and fun filled day for the whole family.

Well after the great success of 2009, EPW is proud to announce that thank to our great friends at the City of Stirling, we will be returning to the Scarborough Amphitheatre on Sunday March 14th.

All the EPW wrestlers will be there from 2pm with another FREE SHOW suitable for the whole family.

The show is being proudly sponsored by WASP Paintball (www.wasppaintball.com.au ) who will be there on the day to provide you with all the information on their three amazing battlegrounds that are suitable for all players from first timers to hardcore professionals.

Tickets for our next show, GOLDRUSH, will also be on sale at the show. We hope to see each and everyone one of you for what should be a sensational day of beach, sun and live EPW action.

March 7, 2010 Posted by | EPW | Leave a comment

EPW’s Friday Night Wrestling on LocoTV

NWA Wrestling across the Pacific has picked up.  I mentioned in the article
NWA International Spanning the Globe that EPW’s Friday Night Wrestling on LocoTV has started up again.  And its off to a great start.  With 3 Episodes already archived on the Loco TV website, look for new episodes every Friday.  I highly recommend checking them out.  And if you sign up to become a member of the LOCO TV, you can actually download these matches to your iPhone or mobile video device.  
This week’s episode is EPW FRIDAY NIGHT WRESTLING: Schmidt Brothers v McGavin & Block check it out and enjoy.

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Block, EPW, Friday Night Wrestling, Loco TV, McGavin, Schmidt Brothers | Leave a comment

David Marquez interview – Westside Pro Wrestling

NWA Main Man

David Marquez is a member of the NWA Board of Directors, the promoter of NWA Pro and one of the people instrumental in the Explosive Pro Wrestling affiliation with the National Wrestling Alliance. Westside Pro Wrestling’s Tez Himself was lucky enough to get the opportunity to speak to the very busy NWA Pro promoter.
WPW: You got your start in the wrestling business in the late 1980’s, how did you initially get involved?
MARQUEZ: I started out like most people, being a “jack of all trades”. First taking jackets, then graduated to taking photographs and such. Things really started to fly for me in the mid 1990s when I moved to Missouri and started World Legion Wrestling with Gordon Solie and Harley Race. Its pretty much been full steam since then.
WPW: The NWA had been a major part of Australian Wrestling in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, but with the decline of World Championship Wrestling, had no affiliate. This changed in 2005 with the affiliation with EPW. Can you tell us how this came about and how do you think the affiliation has gone after nearly five years?
MARQUEZ: Hartley Jackson and Mikey Nicholls came to stay with us at the LA Dojo. They told me about EPW and Davis Storm came right after them. During their time training, we talked about many different possibilities and in those three months we created the relationships in both Perth and Adelaide.
WPW: Mikey Nicholls, Bobby Marshall and Shane Haste seem to have had the biggest success of the Australian talent that have visited SoCal since 2005. There have been title runs (Nicholls and Marshall) and shots at the NWA World Title (Haste). Do you think any Australian talent has a shot at a BOD (Board of Directors) Title reign in the future?
MARQUEZ: I’d say all of those guys you have mentioned, I’d even throw in Damian Slater. I’m very impressed with the ability of everyone I’ve seen from Oz. If I had to pick one…it’ll be a toss up between Haste and Marshall.
WPW: The 2007 NWA Australian Tour was a good time to be a WA wrestling fan, getting to see the likes of Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Rocky Romero, Sean Waltman and The Real American Heroes compete against EPW talent, who some of us had been following since their early years. Is there any update on a DVD release of the shows and on a personal note, how did you find your first experience of Australia?
MARQUEZ: We’ve planned on adding the tour to our “Reclaiming the Glory” DVD, but that has been put on hold by Big Vision due to the decline of DVD sales world wide. They are looking at other means of distribution for us as I answer these questions. And as for my time down there…I really enjoyed myself. I met some of the most wonderful people I think I will ever meet; I ate meat pies and drank a lot of ice coffee (your version of ice coffee is very different from ours). That tour will not be my last one to your country.
WPW: The NWA Australian National Championship has become stuck in Adelaide, when it was created to be a title defended around the country. The title was last defended outside of South Australia in November 2008, and hasn’t been seen in Perth since April 2008. Now with EPW Adelaide’s name change to NWA Pro, it seems increasingly unlikely this will change any time soon and Perth fans are disappointed with this situation. Does NWA have authority on the title or is it all in the hands of NWA Pro Adelaide?
MARQUEZ: Yes the NWA does have authority, and the management there knows what’s best for their promotions. I’m sure when the time is right, that green beauty will pop up in Perth again.
WPW: The airing of the NWA on Fire program beginning in January is the first time NWA product has been shown on Australian National TV since World Championship Wrestling in the late 1970’s. How did the deal come about?
MARQUEZ: That was secured by a third party distributor that licensed our footage and re-packaged it from existing programs. I have no idea really, what each hour consists of.
WPW: Does the NWA have any plans regarding Australia in the near future?
MARQUEZ: Well yes. It’s my hope to grow the NWA brand there. The management teams there are looking into expanding the brand, but currently there is no rush.
WPW: What does the NWA have in store for 2010 on the American scene?
MARQUEZ: Well, we hope to keep developing new talent. Return to television in a different way, especially the format and model. And to keep up what we are doing and that is producing hundreds if not thousands of NWA sanctioned events world wide.
WPW: Thank you for taking the time to speak to Westside Pro Wrestling, Mr. Marquez.
Check out David Marquez’s blog “Some Assembly Required” at www.nwawrestling.com

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Bobby Marshall, Damian Slater, David Marquez, EPW, NWA Australia, NWA Pro Wrestling, NWA Pro Wrestling Australia, Shane Haste | Leave a comment

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport, Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport– The Western Australia – So Cal NWA Connection.

The Western Australian So Cal Connection isn’t the newest tag team appearing for M1Wrestling next weekend. Its been a phenomenon in our wrestling scene that hasn’t been replicated anywhere else in the World. As a Southern California native, when I think of Australians I typically think of Crocodile Dundee, Kangaroos, Koalas, or Outback Steakhouse. When someone mentions wrestling in Australia the feint sound of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport fills my ears and I reflect on my fond memories of Outback Jack and his appearances for the World Wrestling Federation. However nearly 25 years have passed since Outback Jack and The Australian Wrestling Scene has grown leaps and bounds since then. Western Australia alone has a handful of promotions, but today I’m talking about Explosive Pro Wrestling. In the world of professional wrestling any influx of talent from one wrestling promotion to another is often referred to as an invasion. And the invasion of Southern California wrestling by Australians dates back to late 2005 and since the invasion 15 Australians have used the SoCal Wrestling Scene as a learning excursion and for a short while, called Southern California home.
The Western Australian Connection to SoCal all comes down to a meeting of Explosive Pro Wrestlers, Hartley Jackson (who is actually from Southern Australia) and Mikey Nichols and the NWA. NWA Pro Wrestling had started to gain a foothold in the Southern California wrestling scene with its ties to the World Famous Inoki Dojo. There the Inoki Dojo recruited talent from across the country and across the world. The talent was originally groomed for chances to appear in New Japan Pro Wrestling, which was exemplified by Bryan Danielson, TJ Perkins, Ricky Reyes, Rocky Romero, Tommy Williams, later by Fergal Devitt and Karl “the Machinegun” Anderson. Two wayward travelers, Jackson and Nichols came to the United States for an opportunity to be apart of the famous gym. Unfamiliarity of the local area kept the duo from reaching the dojo right away. It wasn’t until after a miraculous call by Hartley that guided the two to the Dojo. David Marquez remembers “I get a phone call from [fellow NWA Member] Ed Chuman. He tells me, he got a call from two Australians. I don’t even know how they got Chuman’s phone number.” I talked to Jackson and told him how to get to the Dojo. About six hours later and a lot of walking “Jag” and Nichols reach the dojo.” It wasn’t long after joining the ranks of the Dojo Elite, Hartley and Nichols propositioned NWA member and former Vice President of Inoki Sports Management North American Operations David Marquez, about business. At that point there was a meeting with EPW’s Manager Rick Sanders that a deal would be made to not only have EPW join the NWA, but also an open boarder for the Western Australians to work for the NWA in SoCal. Which at the time were strictly the Inoki Dojo Shows and later the Alternative Wrestling Show. A lot of the action from 2006 was filmed for internet only release, soon other Australians would join the Inoki Dojo and the NWA Pro Wrestling Family.
The duo of Jackson and Nichols would return to Western Australia at the end of May 2006, however Nichols would return in June and would bring with him Bobby Jo Marshall and Ferguson “Psychofett” Block but would return home shortly after. Then in November in 2006, AZ Vegara, Chris Vice would all join the Dojo with the returning Marshall. The initial relationship would bring a total of 6 Western Australians who would compete regularly for the Inoki Dojo, Alternative Wrestling Show, and the Empire Wrestling Federation.
NWA Pro Wrestling: Fiesta Lucha2007 would start off with another influx of Perth wrestlers. Vegara and Marshall made their debuts for the NWA Wrestling Showcase. Marshall would also venture to Arizona for his first shot outside of the SoCal scene. Cameron Wallis would soon make his SoCal debut along with South Australian and EPW Wrestler Damian Slater both wrestling in AWS. Both Marshall and Wallis would appear on the NWA Feista Lucha DVD from Las Vegas, NV. Damian Slater would appear during the NWA Wrestling Summit Tour. Nichols would return to the states spending time in Arizona and SoCal and would later become the first Western Australian to win a championship belt in the States when he pinned Karl Anderson to win the EWF American Championship. Over the next two years the talent trade would continue. SoCal Native Jarek Matthews joined the EPW crew. And former EPW Heavyweight Champion won the Mach One Wrestling title, becoming the second EPW Wrestler to hold championship gold while in the states. As of now, no SoCal Championships have traveled to Western Australia, however the NWA Australian Championship was defended in SoCal when Jayson Cooper of NWA Pro Australia defeated Damien Slater at a SoCal Pro Wrestling Show.
Three years have past since the faithful day that brought Nichols and Hartley to the States and Australians continue to come to Southern California. The list of Western Australians wrestlers to venture to the states has grown to include Shane Haste, Alex Kingston, Dan Moore, Maricus Pitsonopolous, Kiel Steria, and Barry Schmidt. EPW talent would work for the NWA all over Southern California (SoCal Pro Wrestling, Mach 1 Wrestling, Alternative Wrestling Show, and Empire Wrestling Federation. But they didn’t just stop with NWA affiliated promotions, the Australians would work for New Wave Pro Wrestling, MWF Lucha Libre, and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. The Western Australians have benefited from the ample opportunities states side and are able to learn different styles to bring back to their country. SoCal benefits by having a dynamic influx of talent bring something a little different to the scene. So the next time you think of wrestling over here in the States, think of all the Australians who’ve impacted the SoCal Wrestling Scene and made it better. Because SoCal Fans have certainly come to appreciate the import of Australian wrestlers and I no longer think of Outback Jack or Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport…

February 27, 2010 Posted by | Bobby Marshall, David Marquez, EPW, Inoki Dojo, Mikey Nicholls, NWA Pro Australia, NWA Pro Wrestling, NWA Pro/AWS, NWA Pro/EWF, NWA Pro/M1W, NWA Pro/RPW, Shane Haste | Leave a comment

NWA International: Spanning the Globe

Pro Wrestling has been celebrated across the globe in hundreds of wrestling promotions throughout the years.  The National Wrestling Alliance has firmly kept its international roots since its inception well over 60 years ago.  And although over time, the names and faces have changed, the NWA is very much a global wrestling sanctioning body, with offices all across the United States there are other offices that span the globe that include, Canada, Mexico, Scotland, France, Japan, Korea, and Australia.  Often times the coverage of non-North American Wrestling promotions go by the way side.  But here at Alliance-Wrestling we are working to provide coverage on all things NWA, even to our lesser known international promotions.
The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) had announced their newest project much to the chagrin of The Scottish Wrestling Alliance (SWA).  The SWA has been the most active NWA member in the UK and even developed a training/feeder promotion to produce talent for its SWA, title NXT: The Next Generation.  The owner of SWA and NXT released the following comment to the media regarding the WWE announcement.

Everyone at the Scottish Wrestling Alliance is honoured that WWE have decided to name their latest product after SWA’s feeder programme, NXT. We would like to assure our fans that the original NXT is still leading the way for trainees in Scotland and the shows on 6th February, Spittal Community Centre, Rutherglen, 19th February, Bargarran Community Centre, Erskine, March 6th, Viewpark Community Centre, Uddingston and March 19th, Links Community Centre, Cumbernauld are all still due to go ahead as advertised.”   After long and careful planning, SWA:NXT made it’s debut in January 2007 as a promotion designed to showcase up and coming talent within Scotland in conjunction with SWA’s Area 52 wrestling school. In 2009
NXT Wrestling split from the Scottish Wrestling Alliance to stand on it’s own two feet, taking it’s own creative direction in September 

The situation was resolved when PJ Murphy, owner of the SWA stated on the SWA Website that the “WWE was proactive in working with us to come to mutually agreeable terms on the release of the NXT trademark once it learned of the potential conflict. The timing was right for us as we were planning on renaming the NXT brand to SWA:Source to be closer aligned with the SWA parent brand”  Scottish Wrestling Alliance presents: Live Pro Wrestling in Erskine, Renfrewshire on Feb.19th 2010.  The NWA Scottish Heavyweight Champion is “The Butcher” Scott Renwick, The Laird of the Ring Champion is Damien O’Conor, and the SWA Tag Team Champions are the STI.
NWA France has completed a newly designed Website for their fans. They have already announced two live events for the month of March, with the first event being March 7th, featuring NWA European Women’s Champion Bulla Punk. International Catch Wrestling Alliance has the distinction of being the home promotion for both the NWA France championship: Greg Fury, the NWA European Championship: Fritz Hellmeister, and the NWA European Tag Team Champions: East Connection. The ICWA also recognizes its own champions in former WWE wrestler Joe. E. Legend as the Heavyweight Champion and Booster Rocket as the Extreme Champion.
The country of Australia might be heading towards a cooling off season, but the wrestling in Australia is anything but. There are two promotions representing the National Wrestling Alliance in the land down under. NWA Pro Wrestling Australia Perth, Western Australia. NWA Pro Australia has recently announced that they will be creating a new tag team division, the NWA Pro Tag League begins to crown the first Australian National Tag Team Champions at Zero Tolerance. Teams confirmed for the tournament so far: The Graham Brothers’ Greg and Joey, The Los Aztecas, Hartley Jackson & “Pitbull” Craig Cole and the Australian National Championship will be defended. Zero Tolerance will be taking place March 20th. EPW has started its second season on Loco TV with its Monday Night Wrestling program, becoming Friday Night Wrestling on Loco TV. The first episode features a hardcore match up between Kracker Jack and former NWA Pro Wrestling M1W Heavyweight Champion: Bobby Marshall. This match took place at EPW’s Evolution 2009 and was brutal. This was prior to Bobby Marshall being exiled from Australia after being suspended by EPW Officials. Marshall was recently exiled from the US after losing his M1W Heavyweight Championship, one has to believe that Marshall is set to take his revenge on Richter and the entire Darkest Hour. EPW’s next big event is entitled GOLD RUSH 3 which is set to take place on April 17th. at the Cyril Jackson Rec Centre, Fisher St, Bassendean.
The NWA continues to span the globe and at Alliance-Wrestling.com, we plan to follow it. 

February 19, 2010 Posted by | EPW, ICWA, NWA, NWA France, NWA Pro Australia, NWA UK, SWA | Leave a comment

EPW suspended Bobby Marshall, how long before M1W follows?

Before the new M1W Champion ran rickshaw over the Mach 1 Pro Wrestling roster, Bobby Marshall was raising hell against Richter and the Darkest Hour in Explosive Pro Wrestling.  Marshall’s actions after this match led to his suspension in the NWA in Perth, Western Australia.  How long before the ticking time bomb goes off in Mach 1?  How long before Marshall wraps a chair around the head of an official of M1W?  The NWA had previous placed sanctions against Marshall back in 2006.  How long before Jon Ian and the rest of M1W regret their decision to bring in this lose cannon.
Marshall continues his war against the world of wrestling when he takes on Jaysin Stryfe, this Friday at 8:05PM at the American Sports Center.  Stryfe comes back to M1W from Counsil Bluffs, Iowa for a shot at the M1W Championship. Stryfe’s accomplishments include: Former NWA Midwest X Division Champion, 2009 Chikara Young Lion Cup entrant, and Retired AWA RUSH Tag Team Champion. Stryfe now wants to add M1W Champion to his resume.  M1W will also move towards crowning a new tag team champions. 

January 12, 2010 Posted by | Bobby Marshall, EPW, Mach One Wrestling, NWA Pro, NWA Pro/M1W, Richter | Leave a comment

NWA and EPW present a Free Show at the Malaga Markets

With a huge 2010 ahead, Explosive Pro Wrestling is set to kick off the year with a FREE SHOW for all of our wonderful fans. Saturday January 16th will see EPW rock the MALAGA MARKETS with a day of non stop wrestling action.

EPW’s last visit to the MALAGA MARKETS was a huge success and we’re extremely pleased to coming back for another show in 2010. (Video Recap available here)

The show will feature plenty of EPW’s top talent including: the EPW champion Richter, ‘the Ironman’ Davis Storm, Nate Dooley, Jay Taylor, ‘Shotgun’ Tyler Jacobs, AZ Vegara and Team All Star’s Michael Morleone.

There will be three shows taking place at 11am, 12:20pm and 1:50pm.

With plenty of fantastic stalls through out the Markets it should make for a fantastic day out for the whole family.

We hope to see you all there for a great start to 2010.

Please visit http://www.malagamarkets.com.au

Courtesy of Explosive Pro Wrestling

January 5, 2010 Posted by | Az Vegara, Davis Storm, EPW, Jay Taylor, Michael Morelone, Nate Dooley, NWA Pro, Richter, Tyler Jacobs | Leave a comment

NWA Pro’s Mach One Wrestling’s New Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Marshall

Courtesy of the National Wrestling Alliance

Anaheim, CA (December 18, 2009) – With a capacity crowd in attendance at the American Sports Center, NWA: Explosive Pro Wrestling stand out pinned and ended the year long title reign of NWA: M1 Wrestling Champion “Red Tornado” James Morgan in 14:28.  Morgan used everything he had against Marshall, but with little scouting and time to prepare for his defense Marshall took him to the limits. The match started with a back and forth battle for dominance, but the stronger and bigger Marshall took the match outside the ring, tossing and banging Morgan against everything head first including a series of head shots into the corner post causing Morgan to be busted wide open. With the blood flowing, Morgan tried valiantly to keep his championship, but the powerful Marshall was just that; too powerful.  After winning the championship, Marshall stated: “I am no longer from Australia, I’m now from M1, M1 is my home, I am the King of LA. Look these people love it and you (David Marquez) love it too and like Red Tornado found out he was a puncher going up against a boxer and I beat him.”
The complete audio interview will be available soon right here on nwawrestling.com. NWA: M1 Wrestling has ended its year with this card and will return on Friday January 8, 2010.

December 19, 2009 Posted by | Australia, Bobby Marshall, David Marquez, EPW, friday night fights, James Morgan, M1W Championship, Mach One Wrestling, NWA Pro Wrestling | Leave a comment

NWA EPW Kristmas Kaos 2 Recap Video

Dean Olsen takes a look at the last Explosive Pro Wrestling event for 2009, Kristmas Kaos 2 which saw the EPW Tag Team Championships defended in the main event. Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste vs Davis Storm and Jimmy Payne.

December 18, 2009 Posted by | Davis Storm, EPW, Mikey Nicholls, NWA Pro Wrestling | Leave a comment

Eye of the Storm An Interview with Explosive Pro Wrestling’s Davis Storm.

Our friends over at Westside Pro Wrestling did a great interview with Davis Storm recently. With their permission we are re-posting this interview. To keep up with the all the news, results and info on the Western Australian wrestling scene, subscribe to westsideprowrestling@hotmail.com.
The Ironman of Australian Wrestling, two time EPW champion and eight year veteran of the West Australian Pro Wrestling scene talks to Tez Himself about his long and illustrious career.
WPW: Can you tell us about the early years of Davis Storm and Explosive Coastal Wrestling and what it was like to be part of the rebirth of Local Wrestling in Perth?
STORM: I could probably write a whole article just on this topic but I think the early days of Explosive Coastal Wrestling and Davis Storm were quite similar. A work in progress. It was an incredibly exciting time as we were breaking new ground. Locally produced pro wrestling had been absent from Perth for over 15 years. We had a really rough start in our first two shows but I have no regrets as its all led us to where we are today.
WPW: In early 2002, some Explosive Coastal Wrestling talent including yourself went to South Australia to train with Col Dervany, Jag and Havok. While over there you wrestled a few shows for now defunct federations Maximum Power Wrestling and Pro Wrestling South Australia. What was the experience like for a young wrestler new to the business and are there any stories you can share about the time?
STORM: I remember that trip being the most testing time I’ve ever had in wrestling. We were training 10 hours a day every day of the week. We were doing brutal cardio with a boxing coach, weights training and then wrestling for about five to six hours a day. Our bodies were broken down after one day but we had six weeks of full time training. No rest days. I remember everyone in Adelaide going out of their way to be as helpful as they could be. There are too many stories to recount them all, I just remember it all being an incredible learning curve and it was a huge turning point for EPW in terms of where we stood in Australian wrestling.
WPW: January 2005 saw the birth of the Ironman at Survival of the Fittest when you defeated Jag in a 1 hour Ironman Match, which was the first ever in the history of Australian Wrestling. At the time there were a few people that thought it couldn’t be pulled off. Just under 2 years later at Re-Awakening V it was voted the greatest match in Explosive Pro Wrestling’s history up until that time. What were your feelings leading up to the big match?
STORM: Depends on which day you caught me on. I had prepared as best I could so most days I was confident that I could physically make it through the hour. But it was brutally hot that summer and it was still a complete unknown as to whether we could make fans pay attention for an hour. I wanted it to be a match that just happened to go for an hour rather than a match where two guys are clearly trying to see out an hour. I put so much physically and mentally into that match. People see the hour as a big deal. As far as achievements go, I’d rather stand next to a good match than a match that went for an hour. Hopefully we achieved both.
WPW: In late 2005, early 2006 you trained and wrestled at the New Japan USA dojo. Do you have any desire to give it another crack over there with the success that Mikey Nicholls, Bobby Marshall and Shane Haste have had?
STORM: Getting the opportunity to train at the Inoki dojo was a privilege. Jushin Liger was my inspiration for wanting to wrestle and to get the chance to tread the boards where he had previously was an amazing feeling. Being trained by Kendo Ka Shin and Mr. Inoki himself was truly an honour and a humbling experience. Stepping into the ring each day along world class names like Fergal Devitt, Karl Anderson and Rocky Romero showed me what was required if I wanted become the wrestler I wanted to be. But I really wasn’t there to make a name for myself. I was there to learn and despite the wonderful success that the other lads have enjoyed, I still have no desire to pursue wrestling overseas.
WPW: You’ve had some classic encounters with Interstate Talent over the years including “Jag” Hartley Jackson and Carlo Cannon. Which Australian talent would you like to face off with in the future?
STORM: I don’t keep an eye on Australian talent like I used to but the only name that leaps out at me is Damian Slater. He’s been wrestling here in EPW for almost five years and we still haven’t had the chance to have a one on one match. To me, he is the barometer for Australian wrestling today.
WPW: You have been wrestling for eight years coming up in November. What have been some of your favourite moments and matches in your career so far?
STORM: Most of my favourite moments have probably taken place away from wrestling shows because they tend to get a little stressful but the aftermath of the brawl at Inner Turmoil was amazing. Absolute mayhem all over the building and the fans going crazy. My favourite matches are ones that most fans probably don’t even remember. My two timed rounds matches with Brad West. Brad is probably one of my favourite guys to wrestle and I think he’s probably the most underrated mind in Australian wrestling. Dooley and I taking on GST in a tables match at Settling the Score was a match where I was able to just get lost in the moment. My recent match with Sebastian Sander was a lot of fun for me. I think his potential is just about unlimited and he has a huge future. But I think my best match is my Falls Count Anywhere match with Jimmy Payne. We’ve had a lot of matches that I rate but that one was special as it was Jim’s last singles match at the time. I’m really proud of that one.
WPW: The NWA Australian National Championship hasn’t been seen in Explosive Pro Wrestling since Mikey Nicholls lost it to Hartley Jackson in April 2008. Could we see Davis Storm in the future go over to Adelaide and bring the belt back to where it was born?
STORM: I think with the recent name change of EPW Adelaide to NWA Pro, we may have seen the last of the NWA Australian title in Perth. BUT, never say never.
WPW: What type of injuries have you suffered over your career?
STORM: I carry a lot of injuries that just don’t go away but that’s just part of what we do. The two worst I’ve had came one after the other in 2008. I first cracked my tailbone at Evolution against Jimmy. Although I’d say I’m over that now, it still bothers me to this day. Straight after getting over that, I broke my wrist. I first cracked it in the six man street fight but after not seeing a doctor, I officially broke it about six or seven weeks later. I had to convince the doctor to cut the cast off a week early so I could compete in the cage match last Re-Awakening.
WPW: Re-Awakening 8 is approaching very quickly. What does Re-Awakening mean to Davis Storm?
STORM: It is truly a celebration of what professional wrestling means to those involved in EPW. I have had some of my greatest moments at this show. I just have an emotional connection with it that I can’t explain. To perform at Re-Awakening is unlike anything else I have experienced in Australian wrestling and it gets the very best out of the best.
WPW: What are your future goals for both yourself and Explosive Pro Wrestling?
STORM: Just to be the best I can be. Same for EPW. I just want to continue to improve and enjoy the ride along the way. The day wrestling doesn’t bring a smile to my face will be the last day I lace up my boots.
WPW: Thank you for taking the time to talk to Westside Pro Wrestling, Davis.
STORM: My pleasure.

December 17, 2009 Posted by | Davis Storm, EPW, Inoki Dojo, NWA Pro Wrestling, NWA Pro Wrestling Australia | Leave a comment