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National Champion "Universal Soldier" Phil Shatter Interview

Courtesy of Alliance-Wrestling Radio
Its good to be the champ. I spoke to NWA National Champion Phil Shatter before his NWA National Title defense in Cornelia, GA, against Steven Walters for NWA Anarchy.  The champion was very candid about his beginnings and his future.  We talk about Shatter’s 13 month title reign, his matches in South America, Hollywood, Charlotte, McKeepsport, and Cornelia.  We talked to callers from Charlotte and even Alliance-Wrestling Message Board user DKM, calls in.  Shatter also talks about his relationship with Matt and Jeff Hardy. Shatter needs no introduction to the NWA Faithful he stands 6’2 at 247lbs.  He’s held multiple NWA territorial championship courtesy of NWA New Beginnings this is the “Universal Soldier” Phil Shatter.
Jay Cal:  Its great to get to talk to you Shatter, I’ve been a big fan of yours for a while.  I’ve been following your career for a through NWA Anarchy I got to see you live in Hollywood for the NWA Showcase.  Let us talk about your beginnings, where did you get your start in the world of wrestling.
Shatter: It meant a lot man, I did a bunch of shows here and there.  I did some time in the military.  When I started Anarchy it was a whole new world to me.  We had our TV tapings there, I came in as a tag team with Truitt Fields and eventually they split us up.  In my opinion I got that NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title before my time and I always say that.  It matured me a lot because it taught me ,because even though Anarchy is a smaller promotion, oppose to like TNA and WWE obviously, as champion of that promotion , [the title] is over your shoulder or around your waste its your job to carry good matches every night and you are carrying the company and people are looking at you as the champion, the poster child of that promotion.  And when I did win that I knew I was putting bigger shoes on, so to speak.  And it matured me a lot in the ring.I had to learn to adapt to different styles and it helped me further my career as a National Champion also, because I can work different styles and I have learned that because of that.
Jay Cal:  And there is a higher caliber talent in NWA Anarchy, greater than what you are going to see most smaller indies and that’s another benefit of being associated with the NWA being able to scout some of the best talent in the World to work for your promotion.  Speaking of competitors around the world, not many people know this about you.  I heard a not too long ago, you were down in South America, in Bolivia you wrestled a show down there.  How was that?
Shatter:  It was a four day trip and we did two shows in Bolivia and the first show was in La Paz.  It was different, a different crowds.  Obviously the people there were hyped up for the Luchadors there and the masked wrestlers and they like different styles and it was a total culture shock for wrestling.  It was kind of like watching the old NWA from the 80s, which I do a lot of, and the crowds were really hot for small things, unlike an American crowd where the wrestling has evolved and the crowds want to see different things.  But in South America they don’t get to see wrestling at all, so they were going nuts for arm drags and small things like facials and it was really a great opportunity and it was a blast.  I would love to do it again, to go over over there to defend my national title over then.  To work to good shows in front of those crowds, it was amazing.
Jay Cal:  How did that even come about, did a Bolivian promoter contact you?
Shatter:  David Marquez out in California who does the Showcase shows out there [with Pro Wrestling Revolution promoter Gabriel Ramirez].  He got in touch with me and I had contacted him about it.  [Marquez] gave me a call on a Thursday or Friday and I had to fly out that following Wednesday.  So it was real quick.  So I thank Dave [and Gabe] for that all the time [they] got me that opportunity.
Jay Cal:  That’s pretty awesome, not too many wrestlers in the states get to travel outside the states.  And you’ll hear a lot of wrestlers say, my goal is… if I don’t get into the WWE or TNA I want to go to Japan or Mexico.  So I think its pretty great in the short time of your career that you’ve been able to travel to South America and take another stepping stone on your path to greatness.  Speaking of greatness, the National Heavyweight Championship you wear around your waste has also been held by certain guys like, former ECW Heavyweight Champion Steve Richards, former GWF North American Champion Doug Gilbert, the current NWA Texas Champion Kevin Northcutt, TNA standout  and Wildside Alum Hernandez and you won that title back in January of last year making your reign a little over a year long, what has it meant to you win such a prestigious championship?
Shatter: Its been an honor man, I grew up watching Tully Blanchard who was one of the main National Champions and Terry Taylor, and the list goes on.  I can hype it up, but the National title means a lot.  The people know [being champion] makes you a major contender for the Worlds Heavyweight Championship.  Its an honor for me to carry [the National Title] to be able to be on that list of the guys you named with others who go on that list its an honor.  Something as a kid I dreamed about holding titles, obviously every kid wants to be a champion.  For me to be able to live my dream and have the national title on the list of something I’ve done and hold it for a year, its good.  I’ve been able to live a dream a lot of people don’t get a chance too.
Jay Cal:  Not only that, but I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but you have defended that title successfully 12 times.  That wasn’t just in Cornelia or Charlotte, that was all over– Hollywood, McKeepsport, you’ve defended that title in four states.  That title has traveled more with you in one year than the two years with the prior two champions.
Shatter:  That’s good to know, I like that.  I keep all my matches written down, but I didn’t know it was 12 times.  That’s good to know that I’ve got to carry it around more than anybody else.  My goal is to really take that National title and put it back on the NWA to where it really meant something and I feel like I have done that.  I’ve given a lot of good matches with that, not to take anything away from my competitors, we’ve all worked at that.  Its good to know that the NWA is looking at the National Title as something that has a lot of prestige and should be looked at that also.
Jay Cal:  Exactly, you’ve won that championship from a Crusher Hansen from out there in Pennsylvania, what were your thoughts on NWA East and your opponent Hansen?
Shatter:  I came into NWA East with eight inches of snow for god’s sake and I was shocked by the roads.  I wasn’t used to that being from North Carolina.  I got a chance to go back their last September.  It was a real nice promotion, the guys up there are real friendly and for me to have walked into a new locker room and all workers know this, for me to walk into a locker room, oh boy, what’s going to happen here.  We all clicked really well and there was no animosity with anybody, even with Crusher Hansen, he was putting the title on the line and he was really professional about it.  I hadn’t heard a lot about him, but I thought we had a really good match, a National Title Match and he put up a fight.  [Hansen] was a really nice guy, really old school worker, he was simple, we didn’t have to do anything crazy.  The fans got into it what we did in the ring and I’d love to go back their anytime.  I did it in September again and the fans were just the same and I have nothing bad to say about that promotion.
Jay Cal:  As a fan of the NWA I think its great way the B.O.D. champions travel.  And anytime I can see the National Champion going to Pennsylvania, or Cornelia, or Hollywood, or making stops in Texas, Tennessee, I think that’s great, not only for the NWA and  yourself, but great for the fans.  Not all of us get to see your matches and fortunately for you, you’ve been in some pretty prolific matches, so your matches make it to the internet, so a lot of us get to see what’s going on in NWA Anarchy and the NWA 60th Anniversary show where you worked with Iceberg and Mikael Judas, and what you’ve done in the past in Charlotte and what you are doing there now.  Its great that the promotions you work with have been able to showcase your matches on the internet.
Shatter:  Definitely, a lot of guys their [matches are] not put on the internet.  I think Bill Behrens and guys like that who take the time to put my stuff on the internet, not only for me to see, but for my fans– I can twitter it, I can facebook it, and myspace, so people can watch it and see what I’m about and see the National Title defended.
Caller:  This is Randy from Sarasota and I’m wondering when you are going to give Chance Prophet a shot at your title?
Shatter:  Alright Randy from Sarasota, I actually got to wrestle Chance back in July of last year at a show at a Baseball stadium in Ashville North Carolina.  That was his re-match.  I’ll give Chance Prophet a re-match any day.  Anytime he wanted one, anytime we get a chance to be in the same state, in the same building and I told him this.  I said I would love to have another shot of him another match with him.  Because he was the National Champion at one time and he never really lost it.  But because of the injury he had to vacate it to [Pepper Parks, who would go on to lose it to Crusher Hansen].  When I did wrestle him I had a victory over him, it gave me a little closure on my reign.  But anytime, Chance Prophet is an amazing athlete and amazing worker and I have the utmost respect for him.  So any time he wants one, all he as to do is call me.
Jay Cal:  Chance Prophet has been a fan favorite at the message boards of http://www.alliance-wrestling.com and those words coming out of your mouth I’m sure are making are fans excited and maybe at some point you two can hook up down the road.
Caller:  Phil Shatter, from what I understand, you also served some time in the Armed Forces for the United States and I was wondering if you could give us a little history on that.  And thank you very much for serving our country sir.
Shatter:  Absolutely man, and thank you for saying that.  In 2002 I joined the Marine Corps. I didn’t get to see war, which I’m [lucky] to say because a lot of soldiers who go out to see war don’t make it home from war.  But from 2002 to 2006 I was in the Marine Corps., I got to do some traveling, going over seas with the ship, Greece, Spain, and Italy. I did a little stint in Kuwait, but there was no combat scene, thank god for that.  It was fun time, I had a good time in the military and it was a different life style that not everyone could do.  I couldn’t do 20 years.  A lot of guys out there who are doing 20 and a lot of people are doing more than 20.  I have a lot of respect for the guys who can last that long.  I made a lot of friends, went to a lot of cool places, great opportunity, and I carried on the tradition of my father and my uncles and my family.  2002 I carried the tradition of my family, I did my time honorably and got out in four years and was happy with it.
Caller:  Fantastic.  Thank you again for your service to this country.  And nothing but much luck in your road to stardom as being already the NWA National Champion.
Jay Cal:  With regards to your career you were working for a short time with fellow Anarchy wrestlers Mikael Judas and Kimo as TNA Security.  What was your role in TNA and do you have any memorable moments working for TNA?
Shatter:  We were there for around seven months, now with Hogan there, a lot of things have changed.  We were the lower guys on the totem pole so we got booted out.  The security storyline started out with Bugsy McGraw and he was supposed to be the leader and we’re the swat team, breaking up fights with Abyss.  I thank Terry Taylor a lot he helped us get down there and we had a lot of fun.  Everyone at TNA, they were out to help the other guys, AJ Styles, Abyss, they were really down the earth people.  We didn’t get a chance to have a match, which was unfortunate, but nothing bad to say about TNA at all.  They got to see our faces and they know who we are.  It was fun.  To be able to work for a company like that, I hope they start another Monday night war and I would like to be apart of that.  But we got to be on TV a little bit and it was good times.
Caller:  I was just calling to ask if a Phil Shatter intends on defending his National Heavyweight Title at any of the shows that he is part of here in Charlotte.
Shatter:  We do.  Do you know about the Legends Show on the 14th?
Caller:  Yes, yes I bought my ticket.  And I’m very excited.
Shatter:  Good, I’m glad and thanks for buying your ticket and being apart of it.  We had the [NWA In] Charlotte Show on the 23rd and Greg Price is going to be doing monthly shows starting on the 14th.  Then in March he’s doing two shows, Saturday and Sunday.  I will have plenty of opportunities to defend in Charlotte.
Jay Cal:  Talking about Charlotte, like you said on the 23rd you faced a familiar foe Caprice Coleman.  I know you had a match in Georgia just a few weeks ago.  Has he finally been removed from your side or is he a thorn in need of removing.
Shatter:  Our first match was Halloween night and he put up a good battle.  It was a real tough title defense. Then back to Charlotte.  As of now he is the NWA Anarchy Television Champion, so as far as I know, he’s not really a thorn in my side too much.  I’m always going to keep an eye on him because Caprice Coleman is a great competitor he’s been around since the Wildside times and he has done a lot of things in his career.  I’ve got a lot of respect for him.  He is something to watch out for in the ring and at any time a guy like that can take a title off you like that.  He proved that when he had won the TV title he had only been back for like 4 months.  So I’ll say he isn’t a thorn in my side, but he is always in my sight, because he’s a good competitor.
Jay Cal:  Charlotte has been good to you, we won’t talk much about the past but with NWA in Charlotte using you as a main focal point and also NWA New Beginnings making you the center piece, how does it feel to become the main event in your home state of North Carolina?  You’ve been in the main events in NWA Anarchy and NWA East, but its got to mean something being in your home state and being that main event for the NWA.
Shatter:  Yeah it does, because Charlotte from my old home town Hickory is about 45 minutes.  To finally be in that spot in the main event and to hold that National Title, its an honor.  For guys like Greg Price and Bill Behrens and the guys who are running in Charlotte like Bob Trobich, the head of the NWA to say we can put this guy in the main event spot, because he can carry the match or the show it means a lot.  There is a lot of pressure because there are matches on the card are going to be amazing and you got to go out and follow and impress the fans, because you are the last match of the card and your job is to send those people home happy.  I feel like I can do that.  I’m in a point in my career where I can keep learning and help carry a good match for the people.  So its a privilege. 
Jay Cal:  Your attorney / agent Jeff G. Bailey at one point was quoted as saying nobody in the NWA that was in Phil Shatter’s League.  Coming from Jeff G. Bailey manager of champions, who successfully managed AJ Styles to a world championship.  He successfully managed Anarchy Champions, yourself included, Now you are the National Champion.  In your league?  Who is out there in the NWA who is in your league or is no one in your league?
Shatter:  There are a lot of workers in the NWA.  I listened to you list the top ten earlier and how PWI hasn’t been updated.  But guys like Oliver John, I got to see Oliver John a lot in California and he’s impressive.  I’m not going to sit here and say no one is in my league, because I don’t want to be like that.  I look at guys like Adam Pearce, who I haven’t got to work yet, I get that opportunity next Sunday, he is a two times World Champion, I can’t say that he isn’t in my league.  Because I’m not the Worlds Champion.  Or haven’t been, yet.  Its a huge compliment [from Bailey] but I feel like I can compete with anyone and step into the ring with anybody.  So that’s a big stepping stone there, Jeff Bailey gets on a rant sometimes.  He has watched me evolved.  I have gotten better over time.  So it was nice of him to say that, I appreciate it.
Jay Cal:  It should be an honor.  His pedigree in terms of managing champions you can’t really argue with that.  I watched you in Hollywood.  I saw you take on a guy named Tristan Gallo, it was a fun match.  I kept thinking to myself sitting in the stands, how much i would like to see you face off against former North American Champion El Gran Apolo.  Or another guy like Brent Albright.  I saw Abright take on Mike DiBiase for the North American Championship and the whole time was thinking that this match would be off the charts if Shatter was in it.  This Valentine’s day, you are going to kiss your sweetie goodbye, you’re going to make your way to Charlotte and your going to face Adam Pearce.  This will be the most prolific match in your career.  What have you done to prepare for this match up.
Shatter:  It really is.  I’ve said that already before to everybody.  I’ve had numerous tough opponents.  But Adam Pearce is going to bring it to the table.  He always does in every match.  Obviously you know that he is a two time champion.  He’s the booker for Ring Of Honor, the man knows the business and knows what he’s doing when he gets into the ring.  So I’m not taking him very lightly.  What I’ve done to prepare for the match is study Adam Pearce style.  I’ve watched some of his matches with Brent Albright and even some of his older stuff with Frankie Kazarian and Chrisopher Daniels, it was a three-way.  I don’t even know what year it was.
Jay Cal:  I was at that show.  Millennium Pro Wrestling in Southern California, probably 1999 or 2000
Shatter:  Yeah, I’ve really watched him.  I got a chance to meet Adam last January at the first Charlotte show and it was really the only time I ever met him.  Then later in California during the Showcase.  Superb guy, superb athlete and I said it to Greg Price, its gonna be tough, it’ll be a tough National Title defense.  But I plan on coming out victorious like I have the past 12 times like we talked about.  And that’s not taking Pearce lightly at all.  He’s been around the world, he’s competed in different promotions, he has been in the business since 1996, and he knows what he’s doing.  He’s a professional.  And he knows who he is stepping into the ring with.  He’s watched me over time as progressed as National Champion.  He says he’s looking past me and he is looking at that rematch with Blue Demon Jr. and he might think that the National title is a step down.  But for me its a step up.  If I’m victorious its a big step up for me, so we’ll see what happens.  I’m looking forward to it. 
Jay Cal:  You touched on what I was going to ask, he did go on record saying he was looking past you.  He also said he was looking past Dru Onyx, towards Blue Demon, and then went out and beat Dru Onyx for NWA British Commonwealth Championship in Quebec.  I don’t know if this match will be title vs. title, that British Commonwealth Championship has been held by a lot of great names, Adam Pearce is certainly on top of that list.  Does Pearce winning that championship change your plan of attack or are you know what you have to do and that’s what you are going to do.
Shatter:  Its really straight up, I know what I have to do.  [Pearce] made his remarks that if he had to, he would add the National Title to his list of trophies.  Nobody has done it in a year in a month now and I don’t see Adam Pearce doing it.  Its not down talking [Pearce] or his ability, but I have a lot of pride in how I  work in the ring and how I carry the championship and to me it is going to be a step up and after this match I will be seen as the Number One contender to that Worlds Heavyweight Championship.  Which is my ultimate goal to be the NWA World Champion.
Jay Cal:  Blue Demon is a marked man.  Half of the Alliance is looking at him now and wondering who is going to take the belt from him.  A lot of people see him living on borrowed time. Lets take a call.
Caller: This is DKM.  My question for Shatter, of course we have a new North American Champion in the Sheik  And you guys are already talking about Blue Demon and I was wondering how Shatter felt his style meshes up with their styles.  What kind of matches does he think they can put on.  I’m sure he is out to  collect more gold.
Shatter:  Absolutely!  I’m always out to collect more gold, that’s a goal of mine… the National Title, the North American Title, the Worlds Title.  [In regards to] Blue Demon, being in Bolivia and getting  to work with some of the luchadors out there, it is going to help me a lot with that style. If I get a chance to work with Blue Demon, I [saw him compete in California], he is not one of the crazy high flyers, like you see in lucha libre, but he is a luchador and with that style and being able to work with that style [when I was in] Bolivia, I really think it helped to mold myself and with some of the smaller guys in the states who work a high flying style like Sal Rinuaro, I think it helped me to get ready for Blue Demon.  Now with the Sheik, from what I’ve seen of the Sheik, I got to see him in California also and in Charlotte and watched his match with Apolo, he looks like the kind of guy we would just beat each other around the ring.  He has a more brutal style, I guess brawler style.  He likes to take his opponent outside and try to ground and pound them.  And I have done a lot of that too, so I think me and him would be equal in the ring when it comes to something like that.  We would probably go back and forth like Wahoo McDaniel and Tully Blanchard used too.  
Jay Cal:  Great comparison right there.
Shatter:  Yeah I watch those guys a lot, I was just watching one of the matches this morning.  Those two back in the 80s, in the NWA and the Mid-Atlantic Stuff, man they were brutal.  Wahoo, would be chopping him and Tully would be punching him and I can see something like that if the Sheik and I ever locked up, that it would probably be like.
DKM:  I would really like to see you hold the World Title one day, maybe even soon.  I’ve watched your matches on the internet.  You’ve got a style that goes well with a wrestler, a brawler, you seem to have a good mix.  I would be very excited to see you and the Sheik banging it out for the World Title.
Shatter:  Thanks that would be great.  I appreciate that.  I love to hear fans or friends or anyone’s outlook on my matches.  I’m always coming to the back after a match to find out what I did bad or what I did wrong, not what I did good.  I know what I can do good.  I want to know what I can improve on and that is something I really, for eight or nine years I’ve been in the business, I wanted to just be the best and be able to wrestle different styles and not be a one dimensional wrestler.  I want to be able to work all around, with high flyers, brawlers, technicians, and that’s something as a champion and as a wrestler and as a person I want to be the best.  You look at Flair and Tully, Tully is one of my favorites.  Shawn Michaels, he can go out and work any style and if I’m ever going to make it to the big leagues one day, I cannot be one dimensional.
Jay Cal:  So tonight is the night for you Shatter, you are heading out to NWA Anarchy, you are putting the title on the line against Steven Walters tonight.  There is a possibility, although it be very slim, that you might not be champ come February 14th. What can you tell our listeners about Steven Walters?
Shatter:  That’s true man, I’m on the road to Georgia right now and Steven Walters is used to tag team wrestling.  His partner Derrick Driver, as New Wave, former NWA Anarchy Tag Champs, they beat me and Kimo for the titles.  That was August 2008, I know what Walters can do in the ring, I’ve worked him singles, but you can look at it as he is more of a tag team specialist.  At some point in the match, its going to hit him, where is my tag partner?  He is used to being able to bail out of a tight situation if they have too.  Not taking anything away from Walters at all I’ve competed with him before, I’ve been in the ring with tags and singles with him and he’s awesome.  He’s got a different style about him, he can hit a dropkick out of anywhere in any position.  I really have to watch him and his feet.  But I know I’m going to retain my title against him.  I’m not threatened by him, too bad.  
Jay Cal:  One more question Champ.  I follow you on Twitter, I see a lot of your tweets.  But I don’t know about the Hardy Show.  Tell me a little bit about that.
Shatter:  There you go.  Fans out there can get on TheHardyShow.com, they have a youtube channel and all that stuff.  The Hardy Show, I met Kimo through the Hardys, Matt and Jeff and Shannon [Moore], introduced me to him.  And it just started happening.  Taping one night and they started putting me on the show and I got to be on the cover of one of the seasons and being on the Hardy Show is a dream come true for any [fan of wrestling].  I grew up watching the Hardys, when I was in School I was watching Matt and Jeff.  Its a fun time and people see the things we do on Youtube and on DVD and its all sporadic.  Some of the things are scripted out and some of the time its just camera and you go and you start taping.  And its fun to be around those guys because you can learn so much from them.  And its great and those guys put all their time into the show; Matt, Jeff, Shannon, and Zombie and all the guys that do production with it.  Its awesome and its good times, its a party even when it isn’t a party.  There is always going to be something fun going on.  Its great and I think the fans out there should check it out.
Jay Cal:  Well I’m going to go check it out.  I’m a novus to the Hardy Show, but I’ve read your tweets about it and anyone out there, if you are fan of Shatter you should check it out.  The Champ is going to wrestling tonight in Cornelia Georgia, for NWA Anarchy, anyone out there should go check out the Champ and support the NWA.  Then next week, the big showdown between you and former World Champion Adam Pearce for NWA New Beginnings, if you are in the Charlotte area, you’ve got to check these guys out.  
Shatter:  I appreciate all the fans out there who are going to be at the show, those who can’t make it we’ll keep you posted.  Thank you for your time today and I had a good time.
Jay Cal:  Well thanks for coming on, you are a welcomed guest any time you want to come on here, your welcome and thanks for coming on today.
Shatter:  Absolutely, take care and have a good weekend.
Jay Cal:  You too and good luck on your defenses. 
For more information on NWA New Beginnings please visit www.nwalegends.com/nb
For more information on Alliance-Wrestling Radio, please visit www.blogtalkradio.com/alliance-wrestling

March 6, 2010 Posted by | Adam Pearce, Alliance-Wrestling Radio, Chance Prophet, Crusher Hansen, Greg Price, NWA Anarchy, NWA EAST, NWA in Charlotte, NWA New Beginnings, NWA Showcase, Phil Shatter, TNA, Tully Blanchard | Leave a comment

NWA East Presents: When Worlds Collide 3

Credit NWA East

March 3, 2010 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Crusher Hansen, Dash Bennet, Excellence Personified, Golden Reign, Jon Burton, NWA EAST, NWA North American Tag Titles, Patrick Hayes, Ryan Mitchell, Scottie Gash, Shirley Doe | Leave a comment

NWA East Championship Committee Dismissed by Jim Miller

In a shocking development, the NWA-East Championship Committee(currently Vince Kaplack and Shawn Patrick) has been relieved of their duties by owner Jim Miller effective immediately.
Miller has stated that while he has the up most respect for both Vince Kaplack and Shawn Patrick, he feels that both have become far too separated from having their finger on the pulse of the promotion in the last few months.
In the past several months, the Championship Committee has appointed Joe Dombrowski as the hands-on Spokesperson but that went sour as Dombrowski gradually allowed the position of power go to his head clouding any impartial judgments on his part. Furthermore, Dombrowski’s obsession with Kid Cupid and The Midnight Lover proved to be a major distraction as well. Eventually, Dombrowski would lose the Spokesperson’s job to The Midnight Lover(who in turn turned it over to the reinstated Kid Cupid).
Miller cited the facts that The Championship Committee did nothing to halt Dombrowski’s abuse of power which then led to a respected position becoming a mockery when Kid Cupid took over. Miller also made mention of their inability to control the situation with Crusher Hansen as Hansen’s manager BC Steele has submitted contract after contract to sneak Hansen back into the building despite the fact that Hansen lost a ‘Loser Leaves NWA-East’ match against Jon Burton at the 15th Anniversary Show.
The final straw appears to be the parting of ways with Chris LeRusso, Bobby Beverly, and Gregory Iron as Miller indicated that allowing three young talents like these to walk away was a major mistake that should not have ever happened.
Miller, however, did say that the door would be open for both Patrick and Kaplack to return to the Committee in the future if either man wishes to resume full hands-on duties. In the meantime, no replacements have been named to the Committee, which leads to the question of who will be enforcing the rules and signing the matches?? Miller has indicated that the “inmates will not run the asylum” as he will be the man watching over things until a new Committee can be determined.
One wrestler, who wishes to remain anonymous, had this to say when asked by the website about the shocking announcement: “How can Jim Miller think he is going to control things and watch over the wrestlers when he doesn’t even know who half of them are anymore?”
Another wrestler proclaimed that this was a blessing in disguise because that means no more Dombrowski screwing things up or Cupid playing children’s games.
Former NWA-East wrestler Crusher Hansen made it a point to contact us and when asked his opinion on this matter stated he will have to check things out for himself at the next live event. When reminded that he is still not a part of the active roster, Hansen simply asked ‘Who’s gonna stop me from showing up? Jim Miller? Please. The man is too busy selling his hotdogs to run anything…..
Things could get a bit chaotic on January 30th it appears….
For more information on NWA East, go to:

January 19, 2010 Posted by | Crusher Hansen, NWA EAST | Leave a comment

NWA East: Christmas Chaos ’09

December 12, 2009 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Blue Dragon, Brandon K, Chris Taylor, Crusher Hansen, James Ross, NWA EAST, Ryan Mitchell, Scottie Gash | Leave a comment

NWA East Presents: Uneccesary Roughness

Credit: Pro Wrestling eXpress

NWA East Heavyweight Title Match
Ashton Amherst (c) vs. Sterling James Keenan

NWA North American Tag Titles
Excellence Personified (c) vs. Team Mega

“Crusher Hansen’s Career On The Line”
Fromer WWE Star Afa Jr. vs. Crusher Hansen

NWA East 3 Rivers Title Match
Chris Taylor (c) vs. Shirley Doe

NWA East Brass Knuckles Title Match
Jason Cage (c) vs. Chris LeRusso vs. Troy Lords

Tracy Smothers vs. Dash Bennet
Mad Mike vs. Greggory Iron
CJ Sensation vs. Robert Parker Williams
Ryan Mitchell and John Burton vs. The Franchise Players

A benefit for the local Pop Warner football league!

October 14, 2009 Posted by | Afa Jr., Ashtom Amherst, Chris Taylor, Crusher Hansen, Excellence Personified, NWA EAST, NWA East Title, NWA North American Tag Titles, Ryan Mitchell, Shirley Doe, Sterling James Keenan | Leave a comment

NWA East 15th Anniversary Show

Main Event
NWA East Heavyweight Championship
Last Man Standing
Ashton Amherst (c) vs. Mad Mike

NWA National Championship
Phil Shatter (c) vs. Ryan Mitchell

NWA North American Tag Team Championship Match
“Excellence Personified” (c) vs. The Franchise Players

NWA East Brass Knuckles Title Match
Troy Lords (c) vs. Greggory Iron vs. Jason Cage

NWA East Tag Team Championship Match
If Dragon wins they get 5 Minutes alone with Slick
Double Dragon (Blue Dragon & Blue Dragon) vs. The Straight Jacket Mafia (Apollyon & “Syko” Sean Dahmer) w/ J.C. Slick

Career vs. Career
Crusher Hansen vs. Jon Burton

Shirley Doe vs. Chris LeRusso

Robert Parker Williams vs. Lou Marconi

Team Mega vs. Any NWA East Legends

Plus 4 more names to be added into the Circle of Respect:
T. Rantula, Dennis Greggory, Boomer Payne, and “Bad Boy” Brian Anthony
Loser gets hit 10 times by the Winner with a weapon of the Winner’s choice.

September 16, 2009 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Brian Anthony, Crusher Hansen, Double Dragon, Excellence Personified, Greggory Iron, Phil Shatter, Ryan Mitchell, Shirley Doe, Straight Jacket Mafia, The Franchise Players | Leave a comment

NWA East 2nd Annual Sean Evans Memorial Tournament

Click here to enter NWAEast.org!

August 2, 2009 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Bobby Shields, Brandon K, Chris LeRusso, Crusher Hansen, Dash Bennet, Greggory Iron, James Ross, Lord Zoltan, Scottie Gash, Shirley Doe | Leave a comment

NWA East presents: Valentine’s Day Massacare

With a shot at Philip Shatter National Title, Brandon K takes on former National Champion, Crusher Hansen. Hansen worked a golden parachute into the match stipulation, if he is successful in defeating Brandon K, not only does he keep re-match with Shatter, but he also becomes a 1/2 of the North American Tag Team Champions. Essentially Sterling James Keenan has the most to lose, because he can be forced out of his tag team, without wrestling a match.

K and Hansen were doing battle over the title. Brandon K even won the title in controversy, however was later revoked by the NWA East Championship Committee.

Also schedule for this event will be 2 First Round Matches of the NWA East Tag Team Tournament; Hayes and Amherst battle Burton and Taylor and the Franchise Players take on the L.A. Guns. Also Scottie Gash defends the NWA East Heavyweight Title in a match-up against Ryan Mitchell.

February 13, 2009 Posted by | Brandon K, Crusher Hansen, National Champion, NWA EAST, Scottie Gash | Leave a comment

National Heavyweight Champion

“The Universal Soldier” Phil Shatter def. Chris LeRusso and NWA National Heavyweight Champion Crusher Hansen to win the title!

The mere appearance of the former NWA Anarchy Champion Phil Shatter gave the crowd a clue what they were in for. A solid 6’3″, 250 lbs., Shatter has been described as a man with a “heart of napalm”. Shatter got the upper hand on both competitors until Hansen dumped him to the floor, leaving him as fodder for Camp Crusher Security to assault at will. In the ring, LeRusso attempted to topple Hansen like he has in the past, but he was attacked from behind by Mantis. Referee Piston Wiley counted LeRusso out of the match, eliminating him. It was down to Hansen and Shatter. Hansen was completely unprepared for his newest challenger, but relied on all the oldest tricks in the book to try and pick up the victory. A member of Camp Crusher Security infiltrated the ring after the referee was knocked out, and laid out Shatter. But Hansen’s nemesis Brandon K hit the ring as Hansen was attempting to swing the National Title at Shatter. K grabbed the title and spun Hansen around into the awaiting grasp of Shatter. Shatter hit Hansen with a lifting DDT variation to pick up the win and become the brand new NWA National Heavyweight Champion!

Credit to NWA East for breaking the news and thanks to Khris and Eric for breaking it on the Message Board.

January 19, 2009 Posted by | Brandon K, Chris LeRusso, Crusher Hansen, National Heavyweight, NWA EAST, Phil Shatter | Leave a comment

Santa Slam coming this Saturday!

December 19, 2008 Posted by | Al Snow, Chance Prophet, Crusher Hansen, Pepper Parks, Phil Shatter | Leave a comment