Nwalliance’s Blog

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NWA On Fire’s Webster’s Weekly

The tag team scene here in NWA On Fire certainly has changed since the implosion of The Latin Hit Squad. I call it an implosion because I believe the team was destroyed from within. They got too big. Perhaps too soon. I believe that mounting pressure to hold on to those belts in the face of more and more talented challengers proved to be too much for the Latin Hit Squad. Which brings me to Da Hoodz. They have risen faster than the rising waters of a flash flood. Their time may be now as they get set to take on the Samoan Warriors for the coveted tag team straps. This one is going to one of those “high flying/low riding” kind of matches, with The Heat and The Hi-Lite looking for an all-out aerial attack while Makua and Fala wage their all-out ground assault on their young challengers. This will be a match for the ages that won’t soon be forgotten.
Another match-up I’m paying close attention to is newcomer Big Bad John versus the 7 foot 1 Egyptian God-king, The Giant Pharaoh. The towering Big Bad John recently battled the seemingly unbeatable Crazy Chainsaw to a double-count out, proving he has the “stuff” here in NWA On Fire. How will he fare against the Pharaoh? His royal highness is vicious, mean, and cruel. And those are some of his more positive traits. What will he do to prove his dominance over Big Bad John, and for that matter over the entire NWA On Fire roster?
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. The Boston Bad Boy, Jason Rumble was recently spotted talking with Josef Von Schmidt. As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the German national is making a lot of enemies very quickly in his short time here thus far. So what was BBB doing with him, in what seemed to be a very cordial conversation? Rumble told me, “I’m the Boston Bad Boy. It’s about time I start living up to the legacy”.
Justin Corino is one of the most popular stars on the roster. It should come as no surprise that his rising popularity is due largely in part to how he relates to the fans. They are hard-working, plain-spoken and demand a lot of themselves in their everyday lives. Much like Corino, a tireless workhorse in this industry who fits the mold of wrestling fans everywhere.
What is this “T M T” chant and signage I’ve been seeing around our NWA On Fire live events? What does T M T stand for? Is it the latest, greatest newcomer? Or, are the fans trying to send us a message? Talk to us, people!
We’ve been contacted by an Egyptian wrestling promotion that is very keen on interviewing several of our greats for their top-rated television program. Of course, we would be sadly mistaken (and most likely severely beaten) if we did not include the Giant Pharaoh in that television interview in his home country.
Have a great week.

Credit: NWA On Fire.com

February 4, 2010 Posted by | Crazy Chainsaw, Da Hoodz, Giant Pharoah, Jason Rumble, Josef Von Schmidt, Justin Corino, Latin Hit Squad, NWA On Fire, Samoan Warriors | Leave a comment