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NWA Main Event TV returns to the Internet.

A new season, new hosts, and familiar faces debuted for the NWA Main Event programing this week. The new hosts replacing the departing Jason James and the recently promoted Scott Barry. The Preview of the show is:

NEW SEASON EPISODE 1 “WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE” The feud between “The Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant and “Wild Thing” Will Owens reaches a fever pitch. Nwa Mid-America TV Champion “Malibu” Matt Boyce defends his gold against the purple people eater Chad Hyatt. Former WWE referee Mike Posey battles Corey Hollus to become number one contender. Introducing Blake Roswell, Jay Popular, the return of “The Captain” Tyler Clemmons to the announce booth. Also featuring the Internet’s favorite wrestler White Tiger in action.

The Classic Episodes are available here and you can even check out last season by clicking here If you are used to the higher production values of the NWA Showcase or NWA Unleashed, featuring the single camera taping. But it does have some values of entertainment. Two of the highlights of last season were White Tiger and the Trio of Project Prominence. I look for them to continue to be highlights this season.

October 24, 2009 Posted by | Blake Roswell, Boogie Woogie Boy Gary Valiant, Chad Hyatt, Corey Hollus, Jay Popular, Matt Boyce, Mike Posey, NWA Main Event, Will Owens | Leave a comment