Nwalliance’s Blog

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IZW Update…

I read some information off of the NWA Forums, in which David Marquez corrected me. IZW is not an official member of the NWA, however is co-promoting events with the NWA. When asked if the IWZ was a new affiliate or associate in Florida, David Marquez was quoted as saying “No. This is a co promotion with the NWA. Ed Chuman is the point person with this event.”
Now this is only speculation, but with the IWZ not being an official member of the NWA, I reminded of the early days of Total Non-Stop Action. TNA was never an official member of the NWA, rather had a co-promoting deal with the NWA. And as David Marquez said this is a co-promotion. I take this to mean that IWZ will book some NWA talent and maybe even promote NWA title defenses on its program. Until April 5th, really anything about the IWZ is speculation unless heard from Bob Trobich, Chuman, or the IWZ.

February 22, 2008 Posted by | Bob Trobich David Marquez, Ed Chuman, Florida, IWZ | Leave a comment