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1/2 of the World Tag Team Champs tours NOAH

Keith “Venom” Walker who with “Krusher” Rasche Brown defeated Los Luchas for the World Tag Team Championship titles last month. Walker has been an acomplished independent wrestler in his own right being a former WLW Heavyweight Champion and the AWA Superstars of Wrestling US Title. Walker has also competed in WWE’s developmental leagues Deep South Wrestling and Florida Championship Wrestling. Venom will be starting his tour on Nov. 16th in a match against Mitsuhara Misawa. On the 18th Walker teams with NWA GCW star Bull Buchanan to take on Misawa and Akira Taue. Buchanan and Walker then take on Jun Akiyama and Tamon Honda on the 19th. On the 23rd as part of the Semi-Finals of the Six Man Tag Heavyweight Tournament, Akitoshi Saito, Bison Smith and Walker will take on Misawa, Takeshi Morishima and Mohammed Yone. The 24th sees “Venom” take on GHC Heavyweight Champion Kensuke Sasaki. On Thanksgiving, Walker and Buchanan will battle Morishima & Yone. Walkers last match for the month see him teaming with Saito and Smith to take on Akiyama, Takeshi Rikio & Kentaro Shiga.

This excursion could make Walker an International Phenom. Buchanan and Smith have toured regularly with NOAH for several years now.

Credit Green Destiny

November 11, 2008 Posted by | Bison Smith, Bull Buchanan, Keith Walker, NOAH, NWA Tag Team Champions | Leave a comment