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NWA Australia vs. Explosive Pro Wrestling – Adelaide

It started back at EPW Adelaide’s Revolution. At the start of the event, Mark Aiston announced the company would be expanding nationally with the help of the NWA. Benny English was opposed to this idea as he wants to keep EPW in his grasp and stay in complete control. At the end of the Revolution, Benny English went on to fire Mark Aiston and the majority of the roster stating that it’s EPW who owns the ring and its EPW who has the contracts with the venues, not the National Wrestling Alliance. Mark Aiston responded to English stating that if he wants a war, then he has got one. With Mark Aiston and half the roster apparently fired from EPW, what will happen at the next event?
And at Ground Zero, the NWA Australia & Explosive Pro Wrestling – Adelaide battled for control of the company. The fans seemingly in favor of the NWA Australia and souring on the EPW-A group. The night’s battle culminated when the NWA Australian Heavyweight Champion, Jayson Cooper, defeated EPW Adelaide’s Slex. The fall out of Ground Zero is unsure, however the NWA successfully defeated EPW. And the promotion has been renamed NWA Pro Wrestling (Australia) and a National Tour has been announced.

Explosive Professional Wrestling was founded in Perth, Western Australia in 2001. Since that time, EPW has held some of the finest wrestling shows in Australia while building a reputation as the best produced wrestling product in the country. In 2004, EPW entered the National Wrestling Alliance.

EPW had expanded into South Australia with the spin off promotion EPW-Adelaide. With the recent events in South Australia, it appears that NWA Pro will now be representing the NWA in Southern Australia.

July 28, 2009 Posted by | Benny English, EPW, EPW Adelaide, Jayson Cooper, Mark Aiston, National Heavyweight Champion, NWA Australia, NWA Pro | Leave a comment