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NWA Wildside from the Vault: NWA World Title Feud – Sabu vs. AJ Styles

Bill Behrens sent this…

Sabu was NWA World Champion and in December of 2000 he came to NWA Wildside to defend the title over two nights. The first night vs Air Paris was a bad night for Sabu, so the next night we needed to explain the 1st night, see Sabu early (just in case) and hopefully pay it all off in the Main Event, which we did. We started with Sabu attacked by AJ Styles, Onyx, Tank Abbott, Jeff G Bailey & Steve Martin. AJ took the World Title and we shot a vignette, then AJ wrestled Air Paris & eventually Sabu.

November 2, 2009 Posted by | Air Paris, AJ Styles, Bill Behrens, Dru Onyx, Jeff G. Bailey, NWA Anarchy, NWA Wildside, NWA Worlds Championship, Sabu, Steve Martin, Tank Abott | Leave a comment