Nwalliance’s Blog

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Happy New Year and a bit of thanks.

2009 has had a series of ups and downs for me personally and looking back at this year, I was very thankful to have a place to tune out the world and just concentrate on wrestling, more specifically the NWA.  I do not normally bring my private life to this site, but I lost my mother earlier this year and having this site to maintain was a much needed distraction.  Alliance-Wrestling.com has helped me get through a lot of the strenuous moments of my life, but couldn’t have grown to the lengths it has reach without a lot of good people and I would just like to share my thanks.
I’d like to thank…
Eric Sax of the NWA Online Fanzine.  Eric has posted regularly on the Alliance-Wrestling Message Board since its inception and posts the majority of Live Event Results.  Eric started to post directly to the website and I look forward to his posts more in 2010. 
Jaden for guest-hosting an episode of Alliance-Wrestling Radio and giving me a heads up with new NWA Force One C-H-R episodes.  I’m hoping we can put together a few more shows this year.
 Tez of Westside Pro Wrestling for helping to bring exposure of Alliance-Wrestling.com to Australian wrestling fans and look forward to our new affiliation.
David Marquez for being the first call in guest to Alliance-Wrestling Radio.  Dave has always made time to talk to me and the fans who come to this website.  Marquez has always been supportive of the work we do at Alliance-Wrestling.com. And I also would like to thank the entire NWA Pro Wrestling crew who’ve  produced some of the best wrestling I’ve ever witnessed.
Gabe Ramirez of  Pro Wrestling Revolution for helping to keep us updated on the happenings of Pro Wrestling Revolution.  I look forward to visiting Northern California soon to check out a PWR match.
Tim Dixon and DigitalTuxedo for going out of their way to make NWA Unleashed episodes available to Alliance-Wrestling.com Fans.
Shanes of SlamPhotos for being the eyes of the NWA Fans capturing some of the best moments of 2009.  And appreciated your business.
Jon Ian of Mach One Wrestling for allowing us to feature the match up of Bobby Jo Marshall and Johnny Goodtime at Alliance-Wrestling.com.  I look forward to visiting the American Sports Center again soon to check out M1W. 
NWA Michigan and NWA Force One Wrestling for promoting Alliance-Wrestling.com on their websites.  And special thanks to Rising Phoenix Wrestling for not only promoting the Alliance-Wrestling.com and creating a new logo for the site.  I hope to make it out to a RPW show this year and look forward to all three promotions to make a lot of noise in the NWA. 
I’d also like to thank NWA Promoters Joey Machete of Pro Wrestling Fusion, Danny Nieves of NWA Lucha Americana Midwest, Bill Behrens of NWA Anarchy, for taking time to help answer questions that have come up over the year.
And lastly I’d like to thank all the people who make Alliance-Wrestling.com the destination for fans of the National Wrestling Alliance.  You are the reason this site exists and will continue to exists in 2010.  Thank you for everyone who posts, visits our sponsors, and most importantly keeping up with the National Wrestling Alliance.  I hope you all have a prosperous New Year and I look forward to making this site even better in 2010.

December 31, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Happy new year Jay & NWA!!!!!Though in INdonesia its still 6 hours left before 2010.

    Comment by Dody | December 31, 2009 | Reply

  2. Oh yeah I forgot :Im sorry about your Mother.

    Comment by Dody | December 31, 2009 | Reply

  3. You are welcome at any show, just say the word!

    Comment by Pro Wrestling Revolution | December 31, 2009 | Reply

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