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NWA Charlotte emerges as a Super Power.

Credit: NWA Charlotte

December 25, 2009 (Charlotte, NC) Charlotte sports businessman and promoter JD Costello announces that he, along with Jay Joyce, have joined forces with the NWA on a national level to create a “Super Power of NWA Professional Wrestling” effective immediately.

This new “NWA dream team” consists of Bob Trobich, Executive Director of the NWA, David “Slim” Baucom, NWA owner of North and South Carolina territories, legendary promoter and NWA owner of the Georgia territory, Bill Behrens, JD Costello and Jay Joyce.

“Merging our brand with the national NWA is a dream come true,” said Costello. “We have emerged as a hybrid national and regional super power that spells long-term success for the NWA. And there’s not a better place than Charlotte, NC to call home! The fans have shown that they believe again and support our product. We’re taking the momentum created by NWA Charlotte and blasting off into a new and exciting future.”

“Everybody knows the challenges that we have faced this year with NWA Charlotte,” says Costello. “Bringing these great professional wrestling minds together under one umbrella lays solid foundation for the return of wrestling to Charlotte.”

Wrestling fans in Charlotte will now have the ultimate monthly opportunity to watch the top NWA wrestling talent mixed with the best regional independent wrestlers. “The NWA enjoys our relationship with JD Costello and Jay Joyce,” said NWA Executive Director Bob Trobich. “They revitalized NWA wrestling in Charlotte after 25 years of it being dormant. Our goal was to always have the NWA represented here in Charlotte. Based on their incredible success, we can continue this goal by bringing in the NWA National Champions and having those national belt titles right here in Charlotte! Our plans are to tape for national television right here in Charlotte to spread the NWA brand to a new, emerging audience of professional wrestling fans.”

Monthly shows begin on January 23, 2010 at the Metrolina Expo Center. Further dates will be released right after the holidays.

“The first show on January 23rd is booked and will be a dynamite return of NWA wrestling in Charlotte,” says Costello. “Fans know these names from their exposure through NWA Charlotte and the exciting style of NWA wrestling will pick up and fill the Metrolina Expo once again.”

The NWA shows will be family friendly, fast paced, full of well-known NWA names and talent, and focused on building a long-term presence back in Charlotte.

Ticket prices and first show information for January 23, 2010 will be announced right after the holidays, along with a new website, blog, Facebook and Twitter site so fans all over the region can quickly get up-to-speed with this exciting new NWA initiative.

“I urge all NWA Charlotte fans to embrace our new NWA venture,” said Costello. “It will still be the same NWA wrestling experience that you have come to expect from us here in Charlotte. Nobody can duplicate or replicate this level of wrestling or professional presentation that will launch on January 23, 2010! This is the real deal.”

December 26, 2009 - Posted by | Bill Behrens, Bob Trobich, Jay Joyce, JD Costello, NWA Charlotte, Slim Baucom


  1. So, how's your thoughs Jay???

    Comment by Dody | December 27, 2009 | Reply

  2. Wow. That's great news!! Finally something to shut down Greg Price and put him in his place.Jonathan Slaytor,Gastonia

    Comment by Anonymous | December 27, 2009 | Reply

  3. I wrote up an editorial on the main page. http://bit.ly/5LILCo

    Comment by Jay Cal | December 28, 2009 | Reply

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