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The Sheik has choice words for the NWA World Champion

(Media-Newswire.com) – ( Chicago, IL ) – Affected most is The Sheik, the pro wrestler from Iran who’s been waiting 12 years for his title shot. He was to go up against current champion Blue Demon Jr. of Mexico on October 24 at Cicero Stadium in Chicago.

But the match was inexplicably canceled with nary an explanation, which hasn’t set well with The Sheik, who was eager to battle for the National Wrestling Alliance ( NWA ) championship—an opportunity he’s waited a long time for.

“The NWA didn’t back out of this match. The Sheik certainly didn’t back out of this match. The Mexican promoters backed out of this match!,” an angry Sheik told reporters recently.

“The Mexican people pride themselves on having one of their countrymen holding the NWA World Heavyweight Title,” The Sheik continued. “And they parade him around as if he’s an Aztec warrior. But what kind of warrior partakes in the glory without the risks?”

Further irking The Sheik is the public image Blue Demon Jr. is propagating for himself.

“I’ve seen him in photos with American stars like The Jonas Brothers. I’ve seen him on television programs rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, while I train in a dungeon,” The Sheik added. “Blue Demon Jr. is a paper champion, and a coward.”

Robert K. Trobich, Executive Director of the NWA, wasn’t available for comment. But the annual NWA meeting will be held soon, and it’s hoped that from that will be gleaned an explanation for the sudden cancellation of the title bout.

The Sheik says he will continue to train and stay ready, should the match be rescheduled as quickly as it was canceled.

The NWA championship dates back to 1905, when George Hackenschmidt was the title holder. This makes the NWA title the longest-running and therefore one of the most prestigious in pro wrestling history.

For interview opportunities directly with The Sheik, contact Shannon Rose at ( 813 ) 960-8412, ( 813 ) 389-0801, or info@mediaproductions.tv.

October 6, 2009 - Posted by | Blue Demon Jr., NWA Worlds Championship, The Sheik

1 Comment »

  1. The Sheik really deserve for a Title Shot. But maybe he must try The North American or the Natinal Title first.

    Comment by Dody | October 6, 2009 | Reply

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