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Globetrotting with the NWA

From Gold to Globetrotting, The NWA in Australia has been picking up. In Southern Australia, the NWA Pro boys held 9 consecutive shows in accordance with the Royal Adelaide festival. Celebrating Adelaide and enjoying Pro Wrestling, the folks in attendance for the consecutive shows saw such names like Damien Slater, Hartley Jackson, NWA Australian Champion Jayson Cooper, and Jimmy Payne. Cooper picked up a couple of successful title defenses against Slater and Payne. However Cooper lost a non-title match up to his opponent on Nov. 14th, “Jag” Jackson. Carlo Cannon, who has is ½ of the EPW Tag Team Champions endured himself to the Adelaide crowd when after a series of matches against some of Adelaide’s finest asked to become and received the title of honorary South Australian. Speaking of Cannon, the EPW Tag Team titles were defended earlier this month at the big Victoria vs. WA show for EPW in Perth. Before EPW Adelaide changed its name, it was an extension of the EPW brand. And EPW Perth was always proud of its Western Australia representation. Perhaps jealous of the attention that the wrestlers from Perth were receiving, Cannon and Slex (from Melbourne) suckered the former EPW Champions, Team Blitz into giving them a title shot. Slex and Cannon were victorious in their Anti-Western Australia Campaign and the EPW titles for now are in Melbourne. Globetrotting to NWA France, Bulla Punk has regained her ICWA Women’s Championship last month. And ICWA Tag Team Champions, the Smoke and Roll Express retained their titles. ICWA ran a double shot on Sept 12th, with shows in Calonne Ricouart and in Aubergenville. The Calonne Ricouart show saw Bulla Punk retained her title against Kim Kaycee in her rematch. Greg Fury won a 10-Man Royal Rumble. Perhaps Fury could parlay this victory into a NWA France Heavyweight Championship match against Joe E. Legend. These two shows also coincide with the new induction of a training facility for NWA France, the Institute of National French Catch. Top students will be given the opportunity to earn roster spots for the NWA France.

September 19, 2009 - Posted by | Carlo Cannon, EPW, Hartley Jackson, ICWA, INFC, Jayson Cooper, Jimmy Payne, NWA Pro Wrestling Australia, Slex, Smoke and Roll Express, Tag Team Champions

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