Nwalliance’s Blog

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R.I.P. Pete Goodman

I know all to well what it feels like losing a loved one. And although death is a natural part of life, it feels like we lost too many lives this year. Peter Zwissler, was well respected by the people he worked with. His name was who he was… a Good Man. I won’t try to eulogize him, I’ll save that for someone who knew him and loved him. But I will say that I respect the man who worked hard to become a pro-wrestler. Goodman spent most of his wrestling career with NWA Pro Wrestling. He was even a part of the NWA Showcase in its earliest incarnation and its latest.

RIP Pete Goodman.

August 27, 2009 Posted by | NWA Pro Wrestling, NWA Showcase, Pete Goodman | Leave a comment

NWA Anarchy presents: Hostile Environment

August 26, 2009 Posted by | Ace Rockwell, Iceberg, Kimo, Mikal Judas, New Wave, NWA Anarchy, Phil Shatter, Shaun Tempers, Tank, Truitt Fields, War Games | Leave a comment

El Gran Apollo is dual champion no more.

December 27th, 2008 marked the date where “El Gran” Apollo made his presence felt in the NWA. Apollo shocked the state of Maine by defeating Danny “Terry” Inferno. Apollo who’s previous NWA appearances were limited to TNA captured the NWA On Fire Championship. Apollo would later debut for NWA Pro Wrestling, by appearing on the NWA Showcase. It would be the NWA Pro Wrestling event Striking Gold in conjunction with NWA Southwest, where Apollo would defeat the son of the Million Dollar Man, Mike DiBiase for the North American Championship. Apollo would defend his On Fire Heavyweight Championship throughout Maine and New Jersey. Apollo would also defend his North American championship in New Jeresy and in Arizona.

A huge announcement was made on the NWA On Fire website that Lance Cade had issued a challenge to 6’4″ Lion. As hyped on this blog, Cade said he would hunt down the North American Champion and take his title. However apparently there was a death in the Cade family and Cade didn’t make the event.

Ever the opportunist, “the Golden Boy” Billy Robinson stepped up to take on Apollo. Robinson determined to win the NWA On Fire championship was able to steal a victory with his foot on the ropes. An eranged Apollo thrashed the referee after the bout.

One must consider with Apollo’s schedule with NWA On Fire and the recent defenses in New Jersey and Arizona have started to wear on the champion. One could also assume that Apollo still has a bulleyes on his chest from Lance Cade. Cade still wants that belt. Those two will meet up soon. And Apollo could go from being a Dual Champ, to no champ.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Billy Robinson, El Gran Apollo, Heavyweight Championship, Lance Cade, North American Champion, NWA On Fire, NWA Pro Wrestling, NWA Showcase | Leave a comment

Bryan Danielson signs deal with WWE!!!

I was pleased and a little sadden to hear the announcement regarding Bryan Danielson and his free agency. Now that the American Dragon is an exclusive WWE wrestler he’ll join the likes of CM Punk and Matt Sydal as wrestlers who joined the WWE after working in Ring of Honor. Danielson had held the short-lived Pure Wrestling title and the ROH World title.

Danielson’s in-ring work is amazing. And with a list of trainers that include William Regal, NWA Hall of Famer Bobby Eaton, WWE Legend Shawn Michaels, Masato Tanaka, and Tracy Smothers there is no doubt that his style is a lot different from the typical WWE style.

I have followed Bryan Danielson career fairly closely. I was in attendance the night Bryan Danielson defeated APW Internet Heavyweight Champion Super Dragon. I was also in attendance the night that Bryan Danielson was so close to defeating NJPW Jr. Heavyweight Champion HEAT for his title. Dragon has always put on great matches whether he was in the main event or opening the show. With a plethora of opponents.

The American Dragon started his career with the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy. Danielson started at that school with other notable names as former WWE stars Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and Lance Cade, TNA wrestler Shawn Hernandez and former TNA wrestler Matt Bentley. Danielson made his first appearance in Japan teaming with Lance Cade for FMW. Danielson spent a lot of time in the WWE farm system originally in Memphis Championship Wrestling. It was after the MCW experience that Bryan Danielson began working Independent Dates across the United States and Canada. Danielson appeared for APW’s King of the Indies and work in many promotions from All Pro Wrestling to EPIC, NWA ECCW, Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, NJPW/USA, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NOAH, FIP, and far too many to mention. While wining championships across the World, Danielson established his name as one of the greatest of our era. Unfortunately Danielson was booked in 2 Matches that I always wanted to see, but they were never meant to be. Bryan Danielson, who at the time was more commonly referred to as American Dragon was team take on Ultimo Dragon and Southern California Indy sensation Super Dragon in a battle of the Dragons. The match never happened due to complications with the wrestling promoter. Dragon was also supposed to battle Brent Albright for the NWA World Title. Unfortunately that match never happened either. Danielson was injured the week before in a ROH World Title match and forfeited his spot to would be champion, Adam Pearce. So although its great to see Danielson head to the WWE, I will miss his action in the NWA, PWG, and ROH. Here’s hoping to the best for the American Dragon! Cheers.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Bryan Danielson, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NWA ECCW, NWA Pro Wrestling, ROH | Leave a comment

NWA Main Event’s Shawn Shultz: Going Crazy!!!

Former NWA Mid American Champion, Shawn Shultz is running a muck in NWA Main Event. Schultz has been interrupting matches, attacking referees, security, NWA Announcer Jason James, NWA Main Event owner Mike Porter, and Main Event Commissioner George Gulas. And for why? Schultz is demanding a rematch at Steve O. The man who beat Shultz for the title. What happens next?

The director of the NWA, Bill Behrens will be at Main Event TV to make an announcement in regards to Shawn Shultz and his future on Main Event TV.

August 22, 2009 Posted by | Bill Behrens, Mike Porter, NWA Main Event, NWA Mid America, Steve O | Leave a comment

Corino wins NWA Heartland Championship

A fun summer night in Milwaukee became a spot for history being made once again in not just one careers but two.

First, “The Future” Colby Corino made a successful NWA debut by submitting The Golden Boy Taylor in just under 8 minutes . Word is that Colby Corino may be the youngest wrestler in the 61 year history of the National Wrestling Alliance to win a sanctioned match.

Then in the semi-final, Steve Corino won his 60th career championship when he pinned the very talented and tough Dinn T. Moore to become the new NWA Heartland States heavyweight champion!

Questionable tatics were used but the new champion had this to say:

“Dinn T’s problems with Brandon Blaze are no concern of mine. Winning titles and earning my shot against Blue Demon Jr. for the NWA World’s title is what is on my mind. Moore was a good champion and I welcome a return match but I plan on being the champion for a long time!”

Corino and Moore will collide again in the rematch on September 18 in West Allis, WI with special referee Dysfunction! Visit BrewCityWrestling1.com for all the ticket information.

From Steve Corino.com

August 22, 2009 Posted by | Brew City Wrestling, Colby Corino, Dinn T. Moore, NWA Heartland States Championship, Steve Corino | Leave a comment

Pro Wrestling Revolution is introducing a new championship.

Pro Wrestling Revolution, who has been revolutionizing wrestling in Northern California introduced championships for their Heavyweights and their Tag Teams. PWR are introducing a new crown. Is it a woman’s title? No, that’s what Chick Fight is for. Is it a cruiserweight championship? No, PWR Cruiserweights are tough enough to fight the Heavyweights. So what is it? PWR is proud to introduce the Minis Championship. Minis are an integral part of the Revolution. With appearances from Mascarita Sacrada, Pequeno Pierroth, Mascartia Dorado, and the two minis to battle for the belt. Piratita Morgan and Octagoncito. The championship will be decided September 20th at the Santa Cruz County Fair, California.

August 21, 2009 Posted by | Minis Championship, NWA/PWR, Octagoncito, Piratita Morgan, Pro Wrestling Revolution | Leave a comment

NWA Southwest GCWA Presents WANTED

Not seen since “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce battled “the Shooter” Brent Albright in a championship match, the “Texas Bull Rope Match” is a very vicious. Made famous by the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. Ben Galvan will lock up with “Flawless” Jerome Daniels and to the victor goes the GCWA Heavyweight Championship

August 20, 2009 Posted by | Ben Galvan, GCWA, Jerome Daniels, NWA Southwest | Leave a comment

NWA ECCW Presents: Chill Town Explodes

Credit ECCW.Com
Friday, August 28th, 2009
Bridgeview Hall
Surrey, BC
8 PM Belltime, Doors Open At 7:30 PM
Click For More Information

Memphis (Champion) vs. Bishop (Challenger)

Scotty Mac (Champion) vs. Azeem The Dream (Challenger)

Sid Sylum vs. Dropkick Murphy

August 19, 2009 Posted by | Azeem the Dream, Cole Bishop, ECCW, ECCW Heavyweight Championship, Memphis, NWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship, Scotty Mac | Leave a comment

A new era in PWX, New NWA East Heavyweight Champion

NWA East’s Heavyweight Championship is full of history dating back to its origins 14 years ago. With a list of names who’ve held the championship from Shane Douglas to Brian Anthony, from Paul Atlas to “Sterling” James Kennan. Even former National Champion Crusher Hansen has been apart of the history of the NWA East Championship legacy. Ashton Amherst can add his name to the list of wrestlers to hold the historic crown. And in NWA East Fashion, Amherst defeated “the Spotlight” Scottie Gash, amidts interference from the Franchise Players. Amherst’s victory marks the first time he’s held the championship and the 45th champion of NWA East.
However it seems their is no rest for the wicked as Amherst will be defending his belt against Sean Evans Memorial Tournament winner Ryan Mitchell. Mitchell defied the odds and defeated the likes of Robert Parker, James Ross, and Patrick Hayes to earn the Tournament Victory. Now Mitchell will use his momentum to try to dethrone the new champ.

August 18, 2009 Posted by | Ashton Amherst, Heavyweight Championship, NWA EAST, Ryan Mitchell, Sean Evans Memorial Tournament | Leave a comment