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NWA Fusion Meltdon Episode 3


NWA Fusion Meltdown Episode 3 (June 2009) from Mark Bravura on Vimeo.

On this Episode of NWA Fusion Meltdown, Preston Quinn and Grail take on Assault and Battery, Carlos Hotness and Victor Griff, in tag team action. Wiseguy Jimmy Cicero returns to the NWA to face Zach Hilton. Marcus “King Kong” Dowling explains his arrival in NWA Fusion. And one of the most popular athletes in the NWA makes his Meltdown debut, the American Ranger goes one on one with The Nordic Manbeast Vulstagg from Sheik Ali Akbar’s Army. Can the Hatriot be far behind?

August 17, 2009 - Posted by | American Ranger, Assault and Battery, Carlos Hotness, Grail, Jimmy Cicero, Marcus Dowling, NWA Fusion Meltdown, NWA Virgina, Preston Quinn, Sheik Ali Akbar, Victor Griff, Vulstagg, Zach Hilton

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