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NWA’s Adam Pearce issues a challenge to Blue Demon Jr. and the Chicago Cubs

2 time NWA™ Worlds Heavyweight Champion “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce and his manager C. Edward Vander Pyle grabbed a camera, an operator, a microphone and and official NWA mic flag and took to the streets of San Diego and this is what they shot. In the coming weeks, Pearce and Mr. Vander Pyle will be hosting the NWA Wrestling Showcase. For more info on the National Wrestling Alliance® please visit http://www.nwawrestling.com.

May 26, 2009 - Posted by | Adam Pearce, Blue Demon Jr., C. Edward Vanderpyle

1 Comment »

  1. I love Adam Pearce. NWA is really on the right track for having him as its superstar. Look at him : He's bald like Stone Cold (well, perhaps, Repo Man), great mic skill like The Rock, very dirty on the ring like Ric Flair. Hey, he even wearing a robe like Ric Flair during his entrance. And dont forget Vanderpyle as his manager who create them a very great heel duo. Good luck to Pearce and NWA. Just hope that Pearce doesnt going anywhere except for NWA.Oh yeah, the moment when Pearce and Vanderpyle singing together are very funny.

    Comment by Dody | May 26, 2009 | Reply

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