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Stunning Turn of events for NWA Virgina

After years of service to the NWA, former NWA New York and NWA Virgina promoter is stepping away from the wrestling business. O’Brien is pursuing higher education, going after his second Master’s degree. His goals are to eventually pursue a PhD.

O’Brien also informed me that although there will not be a weekly World Wide Wrestling episodes, it seems that he plans on releasing some of his library. “… there just isn’t enough time to get editing done on a regular basis… There will be new stuff eventually, just not weekly like we were planning.”
Although Rick O’Brien will be missed, it was reported that NWA Virgina will continue. O’Brien will certainly be missed, but here at the Alliance we wish him all the luck in the future. And we certainly hope to see O’Brien to return to the NWA sooner than later.


Mr. David Marquez working as my editor has informed me that Rick O’Brien will still be a member of the National Wrestling Alliance. I apologize to Rick for misreporting he isn’t.

May 13, 2008 - Posted by | Goodbye, NWA Virgina, Rick O'Brien

1 Comment »

  1. Rick is not leaving the organization.

    Comment by David Marquez | May 14, 2008 | Reply

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