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NWA Showcase… from the Plaza Hotel, Las Vegas

Tonight is the first Showcase to originate from the Plaza. David Marquez explained “I’m pretty excited to see the final product myself as I did not have any hands on when it comes to the post production. This is the first wrestling TV program that I have been involved in that I have stepped aside and ‘allowed’ others to act as segment producers and editors and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see it with all of you (I have not seen the final edit). These last few months have been an eye opener to many who work with us on the West Coast and we are all learning new tricks every taping. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy episode Prod#WS005 that features a great match between Cassandro and Quackenbush for the World’s Jr. Title.”

These tapings took place back in January. The first 4 episodes of the Showcase were compilations of shows through out the alliance. You can check out the broadcasts live from Dish TV’s Colours 9407 (or on-line) at 9:00pm EST (6:00pm PST) or on delay from NWA Wrestling.com

February 13, 2008 - Posted by | David Marquez, NWA Showcase

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