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Former WWE’s Masters to NWA Japan

Sourcing the Daily Suplex, Chris Mordetzky is going to join the ranks of Booker T. and Kurt Angle in Inoki’s Genome Federation. Mordetzky formerly known as Chris Masters spent the better part of his career in the WWE Farm System. First being scouted by UPW, the same promotion responsible for finding John Cena, Luther Reigns, Victoria, Frankie Kazarian, John Heidenrich, Nathan Jones, and had hands in establishing other names like Chris Daniels, Shelly Martinez, Aaron Aguilera, Ryan Sakoda, Spanky, and Paul London.

Inoki Genome Federation is the member of record in Japan for the NWA.

November 30, 2007 - Posted by | Booker T., Chris Masters, IGF, Kurt Angle, NWA, WWE

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