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And then their was one… a NEW Australian National Champion

Eight wrestlers battled for top supremacy in a one night tournament. Mikey Nicholls defeated Jimmy Payne, Rocky Romero, and Bobby Marshall to becoming the first National Heavyweight Champion of Australia. A Championship that is on par with NWA UK’s National Champion Johnny Moss, NWA Canada’s National Champion Cole Bishop and of course the United States National Champion, Pepper Parks. This victory makes Nicholls a perennial opponent for NWA World Champion, Scrap Iron Adam Pearce.
The second night of the NWA Tour, Nicholls accepted the challenge of American Dragon, Bryan Danielson. Danielson is a World Champion contender in his own right was defeated by Everybody’s favorite Superhero, Mikey Nicholls. The defeat of Bryan Danielson, lends instant credibility to the newly created title.

Check out NWAPro.net

November 26, 2007 - Posted by | Australia, Bobby Marshall, Bryan Danielson, Mikey Nicholls, National Heavyweight, NWA, Rocky Romero

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