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Amazing Kong to TNA

Well now Kong has her chance to go after Christian Cage. It’s been reported all over the web and she’s already wrestled one match for Total Non-Stop Action, Amazing Kong is with TNA. What does that mean for the NWA and it’s Women’s Division?


Unlike sharing titles with TNA in the past, the NWA isn’t rushing to rip the title off of Kong. As far as I can tell, Kong will be allowed to remain the NWA’s Woman’s Champion, while competing within the Knockout Division of TNA. Its kind of a win/win situation, for both NWA and TNA. The former Double Champion will be competing against the likes of Traci Brooks, Gail Kim, and whomever else TNA decideds to sign.

I for one would wish nothing but the best of luck to Kong in TNA. With a very quite Women’s Division, TNA can bennefit Kong’s career and might even breathe greater life into the NWA’s Woman’s Division.

October 1, 2007 - Posted by | Amazing Kong, TNA, Women's World Title

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